HEROUX Trilinos Solver Package JPetra Java C++ MPI Distributed Memory Parallel is Sandia Straightforward C++ version of SCALAPACK Sandia in house activity Trilinos under Sierra via FEI ESI is Solver standard ----------------------------------------------- ZOLTAN Karen Devine Sandia Load Balancing Packages General Interface to multiple methods pretty old fashioned Single Interface to multiple strategies ----------------------------------------------- Lumsdaine Good talk on fundamentals of Generic Programming and how you can guarantee reuable code ------------------------------------------------- Hornung SAMRAI Structured Adaptive Mesh 500,000 lines of Code ------------------------------------------------- Bill Gropp Lessons from PETSc ------------------------------------------------ Craig Rasmussen C++ Fortran 90 link to Python SILOON at Los Alamos Easy to add other languages ------------------------------------------------ Patrick Miller MPI C++ and Python Cant find on web ------------------------------------------------ Moran NASA Visualization Python Interface Source Forge likely to go as VALinux in trouble ------------------------------------------------ Drach Earth System Globus Security FTP Replica -- Caching Tcl/Tk Interface to Python XML Dataset Numerical Python (from Dubois) important Python + C++ used in Google Python very slow with large datasets CCA specifies interfaces Python does the interface No idea about web services Namespace flatenning GOOD for scripting Note map C++ --> Python does this flatening Compare XML --> Java ------------------------------------------------- CCA Armstrong CCA is not a framework built around ports SCMD Single Component and Multiple Data Not much detail! --------------------------------------------------- Kumfert Babel Babel is language interoperability not components Babel101 tutorial F77 F90 C C++ Java Python RMI Future Java Python Soon F90 NOT SIDL is Scientific IDL in XML or IDL CCA will use SIDL for language interoperability Software Carpentry Project Los Alamos addresses configure issues (make) -------------------------------------------------- Terascale Build framework foe Large parallel simulations Done from Scratch ESI Equation Solver Interface FEI Finite Element ----------------------------------------------------- Rest of Morning --Good talks including XML database for scientific data from Los Alamos Rather weak justification of components need some good studies of effectiveness Not clear if can't do with my hybrid architecture CORBA or EJB for control Currently Components viewed positively ----------------------------------------------------- John Shalf Cactus as usual Cactus worm & virus ----------------------------------------------------- Jim Kohl CUMULVS Collaborative Visualization PVM & MPI Nexus is dead ------------------------------------------------------- Eidson MDO type applications work flow specification application metadata likes CCA and ports ------------------------------------------------------- XML as Object Specifier not clear Java Grande interesting ---------------------------------------------------- David Keyes ISCR and SCIDAC TOPS ------------------------------------------------------- Mehrotra Workflow ---------- IBM 1 SOAP is protocol independent RosettaNet is example workflow UDDI is useful? curbera@us.ibm.com Examples Buy a car with insurance Comments on bad SOAP performance WSDL allows Java Example on simple ODE Solver Chooser -- Solver -- Visualizer Sover Chooser is Java Solver is C++ Visualizer is Java3D (VisAD) UDDI JUST assumes SOAP works eSpeak assumes you have eSpeak CORE Jini assumes Java Look at model based development (OMG initiative as UML doe NOT support "round trip engineering" as cannot go back to UML from software) http://www.llnl.gov/CASC/components http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~lujanmx eSpeak merging with WSDL dynamic WSFL is possible