All The Indiana University Grid Laboratory (Geoffrey Fox, DEnnis Gannon, Marlon Pierce, Beth Plale) with three new hires this year and a new approximately $1M per year grant from the Lilley foundation represents a significant capability in this area and its resources and expertise will be available to support this project. Need clearer "interest" in at least one project each for a) Data Intensive applications b) NetSolve (e.g. add where you mention Condor and Globus Might want to promote me to a more active role in 1 or 2 of these (e.g. ICE and PtoP) Finally I think if we can get significant funding for this (i.e. enough to ensure Gateway real) then I think we could fund not just students but also a) Software Engineer i.e. professional Java Programmer b) Web designer devoted to these issues. These types of people could be called out in projects Gateway Infrastructure ---------------------- This approach (which falls in what Indiana calls the .opennet framework) is consistent with our proposed OKC approach. Project Solution b. I would add VTK (as being used by Erlebacher). As I am funding his salary during summer for some time, I think you should get him involved here Project Solution d. Add We will track the ongoing work of the Grid Forum in this area where Fox and Gannon are very involved. In particular we will investiagate the SOAP-based approaches developed in Gannon's group as an alternative to JMS. Note they have an implementation of RMI over SOAP which can be used to mimic key capabilities of the pure Java solution. I would distinguish a) Technology Enhancements b) Functionality Enhancements I would add some of b) so can use ARL users as part of evaluation team and so appear to have more user involvement Gateway CSM PSE Support ----------------------- Again add VTK Gateway ICE ----------- Link or distinguish your task composition work with that of Tom Haupt/ Grid Forum Is VTK work generic or DICE specific? Link this VTK work to that of Erlebacher Make a major point of GXOS which provides an XML framework consistent with a) Events b) Training (ADL) and an implementation in Garnet that shows we understand well Java -- XML -- database issues Could mention Castor as Java -- XML link Portal to Portal ---------------- Add first paragraph OKC will add IE linkage Add GXOS as above Add that this is a major thrust of GCE in Grid Forum which will leverage current "Web Services" / .net / .opennet / P2P activities to develop computing portal Web Service standards (Fox Gannon Thomas leading this with four sessions at GGF2) Under deliverables replace IE by IE and OKC