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Overview The Advanced Network Management Lab was the first laboratory set up by Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University. The lab develops technology in the form of hardware and software to help manage the convergence of data, video and voice over the Internet. The lab is led by networking veteran Steve Wallace, who has managed the Abilene Project for Internet2 at Indiana University.

The lab creates tools, such as embedded devices that enhance the functionality of equipment, like video conferencing units, while other tools will be in the form of software for network management systems. One of the lab's first projects was to work with Internet2 on "end-to-end" applications to ensure those applications make it in their purest form from one eyeball at one end of a transmission to another at the opposite end.

The Advanced Network Management Lab has the perfect playground to test its technologies-the Network Operation Center for Internet2. The Abilene network was developed by a consortium of universities, along with Qwest Communications, Cisco Systems and Nortel Networks. The Washington D.C.-based University D.C.-based University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development is responsible for the operation of the Abilene Network and Internet2. Indiana University operates Abilene for UCAID.

107 S. Indiana Ave. Bloomington, IN 47405-7000 (812) 855 4848
Last updated: 6 July 2001
Comments: webmaster@indiana.edu
© 2001, The Trustees of Indiana University

Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University