Papers in Grid Forum GCE Special Issue of Concurrency and Computation:Practice and ExperienceGrid Computing Environments 2001 Special Issue of Concurrency and Computation:Practice and Experience Original Call can be found at: gridgcespecialissue2001.html C531: The Grid Portal Development Kit Abstract:Computational science portals are emerging as useful and necessary interfaces for performing operations on the Grid. The Grid Portal Development Kit (GPDK) facilitates the development of Grid portals and provides several key reusable components for accessing various Grid services. A Grid Portal provides a customizable interface allowing scientists to perform a variety of Grid operations including remote program submission, file staging, and querying of information services from a single, secure gateway. The Grid Portal Development Kit leverages off existing Globus/Grid middleware infrastructure as well as commodity web technology including Java Server Pages and servlets. We present the design and architecture of GPDK as well as a discussion on the portal building capabilities of GPDK allowing application developers to build customized portals more effectively by reusing common core services provided by GPDK. Jason Novotny Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Email: Received 29 June 2001 Full Paper:../CCPEwebresource/C531gcenovotny/c531paper.pdf C532: NetBuild: Transparent Cross-Platform Access to Computational Software Libraries Abstract:NetBuild is a suite of tools which automate the process of selecting, locating, downloading, configuing, and installing computational software libraries from over the Internet, and which aid in the construction and cataloging of such libraries. Unlike many other tools, NetBuild is designed to work across a wide variety of computing platforms, and perform fine-grained matching to find the most suitable version of a library for a given target platform. We describe the architecture of NetBuild and its initial implementation. Keith Moore, Jack Dongarra Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee Email: Received 1 July 2001 Full Paper:../CCPEwebresource/C532gcemoore/c532submit.pdf C533:The ASCI Computational Grid: Initial Deployment Abstract:The Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) computational grid consists of a handful of very large SMPs, some of which have dedicated visualization and IO nodes contained within them. There are also standalone visualization clusters of various architectures and three High Performance Storage Systems (HPSS) within the computing network. The systems are geographically widely distributed, but are connected by four stripes of OC-12 bandwidth. The user community is small by grid standards, with only a few analysts accounting for a large percentage of computing cycles and storage bandwidth. The goal of the Distributed Resource Management (DRM) project in this context is to simplify access to the diverse computing, storage, network, and visualization resources and to provide superior monitoring and job control mechanisms. To this point, our efforts have focused on implementing the grid infrastructure necessary to allow a user to submit, monitor, and control jobs in a secure manner. The final link in the initial deployment is the user interface itself. The next six months, as the system is introduced to users more accustomed to individualized scripts than to unified grids, will be a telling time for this particular grid computing environment. Randal Rheinheimer, Steven L. Humphries, Hugh P. Bivens, Judy I. Beiriger Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico Email: Received 5 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C533gceasci/c533ascigrid.pdf 534: The Legion Grid Portal Abstract:The Legion Grid Portal is an interface to a grid system. Users interact with the portal, and hence a grid through an intuitive interface from which they can view files, submit and monitor runs, and view accounting information. The architecture of the portal is designed to accommodate multiple diverse grid infrastructures, legacy systems and application-specific interfaces. The current implementation of the Legion Grid Portal is with familiar web technologies over the Legion grid infrastructure. The portal can be extended in a number of directions -- additional support for grid administrators, greater number of application-specific interfaces, interoperability between grid infrastructures, and interfaces for programming support. The portal has been in operation since February 2000 on npacinet,a worldwide grid managed by Legion on NPACI resources. Anand Natrajan, Anh Nguyen-Tuong, Marty A. Humphrey, Andrew S. Grimshaw Dept. of Computer Science at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4740, USA. Avaki Corporation, Charlottesville, VA 22902, USA Email: Received 20 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C534natrajan/C534GCE01.pdf 535: Ecce - A Problem Solving Environment's Evolution Toward Grid Services and a Web Architecture Abstract:The Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment (Ecce), an innovative problem solving environment (PSE), was designed a decade ago, before the emergence of the Web and Grid computing services. In this paper, we briefly examine the original Ecce architecture and discuss how it is evolving to incorporate both Grid services and components of the Web to increase its range of services, reduce deployment and maintenance costs, and reach a wider audience. We show that Ecce operates in both Grid and non-Grid environments, an important consideration given Ecce's broad range of uses and user community, and discuss the strategies for loosely coupled components that make this possible. Both in-progress work and conceptual plans for how Ecce will evolve are presented. Karen Schuchardt, Brett Didier, Gary Black Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C535EccePNL/c535eccepnl.pdf 536: Features of the Java Commodity Grid Kit Abstract:In this paper we report on the features of the Java Commodity Grid Kit. The Java CoG Kit provides middleware for accessing Grid functionality from the Java framework. Java CoG Kit middleware is general enough to design a variety of advanced Grid applications with quite different user requirements. Access to the Grid is established via Globus protocols, allowing the Java CoG Kit to communicate also with the C Globus reference implementation. Thus, the Java CoG Kit provides Grid developers with the ability to utilize the Grid, as well as numerous additional libraries and frameworks developed by the Java community to enable network, Internet, enterprise, and peer-to-peer computing. A variety of projects have successfully used the client libraries of the Java CoG Kit to access Grids driven by the C Globus software. In this paper we also report on the efforts to develop serverside Java CoG Kit components. As part of this research we have implemented a prototype pure Java resource management system that enables one to run Globus jobs on platforms on which a Java virtual machine is supported, including Windows NT machines. Gregor von Laszewski, Jarek Gawor, Peter Lane, Nell Rehn, and Mike Russell Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, 60439, U.S.A. Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C536javacog/c536featuresOfCoG.pdf 537: Mississippi Computational Web Portal Abstract:This paper describes design and implementation of an open, extensible object-oriented framework that allows integrating new and legacy components into a single user-friendly Grid Computing Environment. This way we extend the researcher's desktop by providing seamless access to remote resources (that is, hardware, software and data), and thereby simplifying currently difficult to comprehend and changing interfaces and emerging protocols. The user, through the familiar Web Browser interface is able to compose complex computational tasks represented as a collection of middle-tier objects serving as proxies for services rendered by the back-end. The proxies through a grid resource broker use the grid services, as defined by the Global Grid Forum, to access remote computational resources. The middle-tier objects are persistent, and therefore once configured simulation can be reused, shared between users, or transition into operational or educational use. Tomasz Haupt, Purushotham Bangalore, Gregory Henley Engineering Research Center at Mississippi State University P.O.Box 9627, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper:../CCPEwebresource/C537haupt/c537Concurrency02.pdf 538: The Integrated Simulation Environment TENT Abstract:This paper describes recent development efforts on the integrated simulation environment TENT. TENT is a component-based software integration and work flow management system using the capabilities of CORBA and Java. It is used to integrate the applications required to form complex work flows, which are typical of multidisciplinary simulations in engineering, in which different simulation codes have to be coupled. We present here our work in integrating TENT with the Globus Toolkit to create a Grid computing environment. The Java Commodity Grid Toolkit has been especially useful for this work. Andreas Schreiber Deutsches Zentrum f. ur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Simulation and Software Technology, Linder H.ohe, 51147 Cologne, Germany and Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne, IL 60439, U.S.A. Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C538tent/tent_gce.pdf 539: Web-based access to the Grid using the Grid Resource Broker Portal Abstract:This paper describes the Grid Resource Broker (GRB) portal, a web gateway to computational grids in use at the University of Lecce. The portal allows trusted users seamless access to computational resources and grid services, providing a friendly computing environment that takes advantage of the underlying Globus Toolkit middleware, enhancing its basic services and capabilities. Giovanni Aloisio, Massimo Cafaro ISUFI High Performance Computing Center Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Lecce, Italy Email: Received 19 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C539aloisio/c539grb.pdf 540: Reserved for Netsolve Abstract: Email: Received XX August 2001 Full Paper: 541: Programming Environments for Multidisciplinary Grid Communities Abstract:Rapid advances in technological infrastructure as well as the emphasis on application support systems have sig-naled the maturity of grid computing. Today’s grid computing environments (GCEs) extend the notion of a programming environment beyond the compile-schedule-execute paradigm to include functionality such as net-worked access, information services, data management, and collaborative application composition. In this article, we present GCEs in the context of supporting multidisciplinary communities of scientists and engineers. We present a high-level design framework for building GCEs and a space of characteristics that help identify require-ments for GCEs for multidisciplinary communities. By describing integrated systems for five different multidisci-plinary communities, we outline the unique responsibility (and opportunity) for GCEs to exploit the larger context of the scientific or engineering application, defined by the ongoing activities of the pertinent community. Finally, we describe several core systems support technologies that we have developed to support multidisciplinary GCE applications. Naren Ramakrishnan, Layne T. Watson, Dennis G. Kafura, Calvin J. Ribbens, and Clifford A. Shaffer Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Email: Received 20 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C541natarajan/c541vt-gridce.pdf 542: An Integrated Software Development Environment for Grid-Computing Abstract:Grid-Computing has become a popular concept in the last years. While in the beginning the driving force was metacomputing, the focus has now shifted towards resource management issues and concepts like ubiquitous computing. For the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) the key challenges of Grid-Computing were coming from its users and customers demands. With high speed networks in place, programmers expect to be able to exploit the overall performance of several instruments and high speed systems for their applications. In order to meet these demands, HLRS has set out a research effort to provide these users with the necessary tools to develop and run their codes on clusters of supercomputers. M. Mueller , E. Gabriel and M. Resch HLRS - High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Allmandring 30, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C542mueller/mueller_cpe.pdf 543: The Gateway Computational Web Portal Abstract:In this paper we describe the basic services and architecture of Gateway, a commodity- based web portal that provides secure remote access to unclassifed Department of Defense computational resources. The portal consists of a dynamically generated, browser-based user interface supplemented by client applications and a distributed middle tier, WebFlow. WebFlow provides a coarse-grained approach to accessing both stand-alone and grid-enabled back end computing resources. We describe in detail the implementation of basic portal features such as job submission, file transfer, and job monitoring and discuss how the portal addresses security requirements of the deployment centers. Finally, we outline future plans, including integration of Gateway with Department of Defense testbed grids. Marlon. E. Pierce, Choonhan Youn, Geoffrey C. Fox Florida State University (School of Computational Science and Information Technology), Indiana University (Pervasive Technology Laboratories) Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper: ../CCPEwebresource/C543pierce/c543gateway.pdf 544: A CORBA Commodity Grid Kit Abstract:This paper reports on an ongoing research project aimed at designing and deploying a CORBA Commodity Grid (CoG) Kit. The overall goal of this project is to enable the development of advanced Grid applications while adhering to state -of-the-art software engineering practices and reusing the existing Grid infrastructure. As part of this activity, we are investigating how CORBA can be used to support this software engineering task. In this paper, we outline the design of a CORBA Commodity Grid Kit that will provide a software development framework for building a CORBA “Grid domain.” We also present our experiences in developing a prototype CORBA CoG Kit that support the development and deployment of CORBA applications on the Grid by providing them access to the Grid services provided by the Globus Toolkit. Gregor von Laszewski, Manish Parashar, Snigdha Verma, Jarek Gawor, Kate Keahey, and Nell Rehn, The Applied Software Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 94 Brett Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8058, U.S.A.) and Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, U.S.A. Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper:../CCPEwebresource/C544corbacog/corbacog.pdf 545: A Python Commodity Grid Kit Abstract:Wrong PDF Sent Keith Jackson et al. . Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper: 546: Abstract: Email: Received 23 July 2001 Full Paper: