Namburu, Clarke and Fox Conversations May 1 2001 ----------- A) In general DICE has become ICE -- Infrastructure to support Interdisciplinary Computation Gateway and DICE are largely complementary B) Gateway has a distributed object model (CORBA), "seamless job submission", Kerberos security, graphical interface (old) for composing jobs c) ICE has Separate Data Model and Data Format on top of HDF5 These are better than XSIL (from Caltech) used in Gateway ICE allows Filters to transform data -- currently these are Scripts Gateway would call filters objects and view ICE version of filters as "inline object" natural to allow general objects as filters to allow more flexible codes ICE has powerful visualization D) Some areas of crosscutting interest Object Model. Distributed versus Single Memory -- here Microsoft .net relevant Parameter Specification (as in Ansys) E) ICE concentrates on "Surface coupling" which implies a loose coupling between components This is same model as Gateway (linking of full applications as opposed to intertwining of separate application) Intertwined applications (called "Volume coupling") are harder as require modifying codes and high inter-application bandwidth (and low latency) DoE (Sierra from Sandia) and Common Component activities are targetting the hard "Volume coupling" case. They are not obviously succesful F) What is relation to CCM Metacomputing activity we heard about from Lushington ICE would be called a "Grid Computing Environment" by Grid Forum G) ARL is looking at methods from Graphics community to match meshes Work with Haupt and Soni from MSU for meshes Chandra vision was a portal supporting "6 penetration codes with common mesh and visualization" This is a good goal H) Fox invited Clarke to write paper on ICE for Grid Computing Environment Special Issue of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Due date is mid June 2001 I) We suggested collaboration of ICE with those outside ARL could involve: Addition of features as in linking with Gateway and as described in arlswoma.doc Use by other application groups to verify data model and data format are generally applicable J) Need an ICE implementation that can be used by outside scientists Not clear if ICE can be taken outside DoD HPCMO Fox gave usual arguments why DoD would benefit from outside users ICE will be very hard to sustain unless ideas become part of community standards and practice