Dr. Fox feels that he has already made a major contribution to WebWisdom.com. This includes full support of the "Tango Group" for the 4 years or more up to the end of 1999. In 2000, Dr. Fox was only able to give partial support as funding for NPAC was reduced. Further during this time, Dr. Fox devoted some 50% of his time to the WebWisdom.com technologies in many areas; architecture, software, use in teaching, presentations, exhibits. Nevertheless it became clear that you (aka Marek) wished to develop the products and company according to a different drummer. Thus Dr. Fox has arranged with his sponsors that Dr. Fox intends no use of software produced by the Tango group in his future research. Given our investment in time and money ($5-10M), this appears to us a significant step to allowing the Tango group to move in whatever direction it wanted unfettered by any constraint from me or my sponsors. Dr. Fox doesn't see what more he can do to help you and his steps have been designed very consistently to remove any actual or perceived conflict of interest. However we agree that it would be good to clarify all aspects of the situation and understood that Syracuse University wished to clarify the license agreement as a step towards this. We will consider any reasonable and possible steps that will produce long term clarity with everybody free to pursue their goals without interference. We have copied this letter to Syracuse and Florida State Universities because in many areas, Dr. Fox has to respect the wishes and rules of these organizations. We look forward to a mutually agreeable discussion. Florida State Contact John Fraser Director, Technology Transfer Office of Research The Florida State University 109 Westcott Building Copeland Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32306-1431