Send OKC backdrop to Sue Brown Remove Anabas How do I notify Invent a course called PTL CG Interactions Toshiba Libretto Java Grande Sun ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis: HEP is not viable as a) Gryphyn wants to get more money to do same thing b) Physics focussed on near term Gibbons Toolkit Easier to do work NILE didn't help CLEO Livny troubleshooting Gaines Focus WWW was not funded as a research effort Yu HEP Computing LIGO 2002 200 TBytes year 2006 multi Petabytes year Petaflop eventually wants to enable small groups to work effectively bandwidth limitation Griphyn Scott Koranda and fellow at MIT LIGO and Grid Wants to fund projects with real proven software Maryland Cosmic Ray HEP Nuclear Internet2 Group Chapin P2P comments wants millions of sstems Lothar CMS Physics Discovery LHC Engineering not Science Enpower universities to do LHC research 5 years research/deployment 15 years greatest physics ever Huth Project Manager Atlas at Harvard Grid new money but redirected effort Grid allows Tier 2 centers which generates matching from universities US Atlas in charge of middleware for expt so easier than others to develop new ideas Valerie Taylor / Jennifer Schoff heavily involved Sustainability of software hard Needs Industry BNL PHENIX expt at RHIC similar size to CDF D0 not much nsf collab second year of data taking 200 TB/year original data; 100 TB reconstructed; 50-100 TB MicroDST Interested in traditional Grid capabilities Varsi Space Science at NASA Assesement of IT needs in progress Remote Control of Instruments Living with a Star program (Star is sun) need IT architecture Link grand vision with tiny steps about reality Self Organizing Systems Gryphn is all we need -- just more of this monitoring is a sub problem Miron wants to do more of same Tension Physics today versus CS research Multi sensor astronomy combination of sensors realtime constraints different from gryphyn "Multi messenger astronomy" Verification & validation of software Trigger software developed by lots of people can't be corrected after fact Need to generate representative test cases Grid needed to run pleasingly parallel tests Tremendous focus on computational grid and lack of interest (except Marv and NASA) in other areas I fear CS thinks computational grid is sound but people grid is "not research" Must differentiate from Gryphyn and Gryphyn team NASA link important as CS can join NSF to NASA 10**6 problem -- scaling Science as a grid service Water Cooler World wide collaboration There is some HEP conferencing system Refine Gryphyn New CS and/or New Disciplines Faroff vision Combined with real project divide facilities between vision and project physics software MUST work how this is consistent with CS research Computing Grids versus People Data Resources Urgency versus Physics Innovation CS Innovation Need to have software research and "production software" Who writes "production" software Interdisciplinary Science difficulties -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Science as a Grid Service Not just compuiting but nearly all aspects of science Modular Sustainable Infrastructure make old ideas su Generic Security Collaboration Digital Library Computing Caching Science Math notation Ed Research Outreach Theory Expt Science Whiteboard optimization service sensors from led to planetary satellite Need to identify Region Disciplines Commonality ********************************************************************** Grid Services **************************************************** Generic (extended in some of services below) Portals customization Registration (security) People Collaboration (Access Grid -- Desktop Audio Video) Resource Collaboration (P2P, Document Sharing) News groups Channels Instant Messenger White board Anonymity Payment -- Digital Cash Catalog Support Comments as in Amazon Surveys Decision Making Authoritarian Consensus Group Mediation Advertising Search/Knowledge Discovery (Digital Library Service) MyGoogle Computing Interface Authoring Multi-fragment pages Charts Multimedia Video on Demand Tenure evaluation support Generate CV Refereeing Universal Access from PDA/Phone to disabilities caching Akamai performance trouble shooting grid Science Generic Storage Rendering and Authoring of Mathematics Other specialized authoring and rendering Scientific Whiteboard nD (n=2 3) Support GIS Virtual worlds Integration of different sciences optimization image processing "SCALAPACK" etc. Matlab as a Grid Service Education Authoring Curriculum specification and associated services specification, prerquisities, completion requirements Grading Homework Submission Quiz Setting including individualized questions as in CAPA(MSU) Quiz Taking Office Hours Mentoring Delivery Assessment including evaluation of material evaluation of student interaction with material Self paced learning Particular learning models from K-12 to Lifelong Research -- General Computing Interface Job Control/Submission Scheduling Visualization Programming Parameter Specification Legacy Code support (wrapping) Application Integration Software version control Monitoring ..... Scientific Data services High Performance Special Formats Virtual data as in Gryphon Fastlane/ Report submission Science Library Publication Comparison of Theory/Expt evaluation Research -- Theory/Discussion Scientific Notebook/Whiteboard Brainstorming Seminars Theorem proving Research -- Experimental Virtual Control Room from accelerator to satellite Data Analysis Virtual Instrument Sensors Satellites to Field work to wireless in the Amazon to Video cameras recording earthquake damage to LED in rack of accelerator control module medical instrumemts (Telemedicine Grid Service) Outreach Multi-cultural customization Multi-level presentations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Science as a Grid Service Selected "high-end" disciplines implemented as "end to end" Grid enabled applications Multiple disciplines to ensure common approach with standards Mainly research but also integration with selected Science Education Grid services Indiana Caltech/JPL (Paul Messina, Tom Prince) ... UK e-Science LHC Particle Physics Nuclear Physics Hall D Astrononomy/Astrophysics Earthquake Science 2) Universal Access to the Grid for the Americas Network the Americas (Indiana Network activities) but maintain and reinforce indigenous and other communities Focus on Astronomy and Astrophysics resources Need Open Source and affordable resources (Indiana) Develop community sensitive grid for selected disciplines The Grid enabling Democracy in Science Research and Education Involve Wisconsin Trace Center for Universal Access American Indian Tribal Colleges HBCU NCSA EOT 3) Science and Engineering Education and Research Grid There is a Science/Engineering Grid and an Education Grid This will study their intersection with exemplars The Physics Laboratory as a Grid Service as a specialization of Physics Instrument based Research as a Service Popular Physics Education as a Grid Service Indiana Informatics CS Physics Syracuse Physics Education AskEric