We have participated in several seminars and workshops in the two areas of Internetics curriculum and Learning Technologies. These include tutorials at Jackson State and Rice University, presentation to NCSA industrial partners and NSF meetings for NPACI and European collaboration. In May 00 we presented on both topics at the MSI meeting in Washington DC http://www.new-npac.org/users/fox/presentations/msicsitedmay00/index.htm http://www.new-npac.org/users/fox/presentations/msiedportalmay00/index.htm As chief technologist for Florida State's distance learning activity, we have developed expertise in both Blackboard and IMS technologies/standards We are developing tutorials on these and have incorporated lessons into a new collaborative portal architecture described in http://www.new-npac.org/users/fox/documents/generalportalmay00/ and http://www.new-npac.org/users/fox/documents/erdctraining.pdf Note IMS and ADL SCORM proposals for educational objects are interesting but seemingly flawed as they assume a client server architecture and not a three tier system with two interface points (resourceML and portalML) We believe our new architecture has some key features of importance to education 1) The personal server will support multiple displays and user customization allowing universal access including hand-held devices 2) A federated event service with database support will more easily support synchronous (with late comers) and asynchronous access -- both of these have been shown to be essential. 3) Modular design allows use of Access Grid and learning objects from WebCT, Blackboard and Lotus Components of this system are being developed now with a prototype integrated system targeted for December 00.