This is explaining concept of XML based e-mail for administrating Community Grids Laboratory
Geoffrey Fox
Community Grids Research Group
Community Grids Laboratory,Indiana University
administration research schema okc
Jake was kind enough to send another sample OKC message
I edited it a bit
Note whitespace="preserve" in message tag preserves whitespace
Use for key phrases
for white space separated list
Note createuri is URI of sender
All messages also have a unique and different URI assigned by system (To be done!)
You can give "your personal URI" if you want to track
(personal OKC)
I changed Schema to make okc root and event as unit of information
so I could send more than one information nuggets
This is a test for the weekly report and ther plan.
Jungkee (Jake) Kim
Community Grids Laboratory,Indiana University
database Oracle
weekly report
1. Weekly report of Oracle group
- Oracle 9i version acquisition: contacting school distributor
- Harun is learning phase. (The first step: Oracle concept as a user.)
Oracle 8i will be used on the PC.
- Problem: Oracle 8i cannot be installed on the Pentium 4 PC.
- Solution: Manual installation through hard disk with editing
installing scripts to neutralize for the CPU check
parameter in JREW. (Source: News group)
2. Plan
- Oracle 9i acquisition: asking to David for the installation on the Sun
- Oracle 8i installation on the PC after system recovery.