Overall Discussion on Last Day
First Panel: Bob Lucas Chair
Written Suggestions of Future Activities
* CFDRC/John Rice:
- Geometry
* Minnesota:
- Preconditioners,
- expert systems,
- pre and post processing standards
* Argonne,MSU:
- software engineering standards (object-oriented)
* Purdue:
- Virtual Environments,
- Multidisciplinary and domain specific PSE's,
- Browsers/Agents to find useful material
Bob Lucas Again
* Design $10M/year program over next 6 months
* In same science/technology area as now
* Remember speakers at Arpa PI meeting from industry said software integration is key
* Package proposals as DoD area
* Metacomputing Programming Tools
- such as compilers and algorithms for World Wide Virtual Machine
- components and large complex systems
- legacy systems
Boisvert's Ideas --I
* Emerging Trends
- Computing is getting better
- Systems are getting more complex and flexible and this is a PSE
- global networks are increasing vision of what computer is
* High Fidelity Multi-Component Distributed Simulation
* Software development environment is bottleneck
Boisvert's Ideas --II
* High cost of developing a PSE
- Expert Systems
- Ad Hoc Integration and distribution of components
- they are heterogeneous
* Need dynamic interoperable problem solvers on the network
* Lucas suggests eigensolvers on the network
* Components of Program
- distribution object management
- metadata to discover services
- coarse grain software integration
- need prototypes, PSE middleware
Discussion -- I
* Lucas says no two sparse solvers have the same interface and no two users use the same package
- Boisvert says object-oriented techniques solve
- But Lucas says this is a mature field; in real world can't afford performance loss of such wrappers
- Lucas notes real application people are cleverer than computer scientists think! They often use excellent innovative algorithms
developed before endorsed by CS community
* Sameh emphasizes expert systems to help choice of method
Discussion -- II
* Heath says grid generation and human time more important than PDE solution time
- Lucas counters that PDE solver purchase is done in "isolation" as a separate competition
* Need to trap and understand error messages from say NASTRAN and detect that say one needs to give it more memory
* Barry Smith says Web Technology is just TCP/IP!
* Lucas suggests partnering with either aerospace industry or government laboratory.
- But Lucas's Arpa's interest is mainly electronic not mechanical application
Discussion -- III
* I added following points
- In multidisciplinary PSE's need to do more than just CFD and structures -- ASOP needs 10,000 programs
- Shared memory and distributed memory metacomputer two architecture model
- Coarse grain and Fine grain software/problem models
- Exploit software engineering opportunities of the web
Discussion -- IV
* Lucas can't persuade its management to support MOSIS
- How can he persuade them to support software systems which are less clearly generally valuable