1. Characteristics and Components of PDE Libraries
    1. John Rice Purdue
    2. Jim Demmel UCB Math/CS
    3. Ashok Singhal CFDRC
    4. Lutz Grosz Karlsruhe
    5. William Mitchell NIST(ex Purdue)
  2. John Rice Presentation
    1. *Numerical Methods
    2. *Symbolic Methods
    3. *Geometry -- MUCH THE MOST IMPORTANT
      1. -Specify and Discretize
      2. -Computational Geometry is part of CS theory community and not very useful here!
      3. -Thompson says Geometry not glamorous
    4. *Visualization and Assessment
    5. *ELLPACK has 60 components at user level
    6. *Need good interfaces and transformers(wrappers)
  3. Rice -- Classification of PDE's
    1. *eg elliptic, Navier-Stokes
    2. *Properties: eg singular, boundary layer
    3. *Type of Solution: Fine/Coarse mesh
    4. *How do you find this out?
      1. -Hard to get details which are critical, correct!
  4. Mitchell Presentation
    1. *Has hierarchical picture of PDE library organization
      1. -Solvers(FD,FEM..), Data structures, Problem specification(boundaries) etc.
    2. *Interfaces: Object-Oriented, Data structures, Procedures, Parameters
      1. -Should these be consistent
  5. Singhal Presentation - I
    1. *Developing VCE -- Visual Computing Environment for MDO
    2. *His colleague is computer scientist
    3. *increasing employment
    4. *Real-world engineering specification is 3D complex geometries, multiple length scales, multidisciplinary
    5. *Multi-Site Multi-developer model for software production.
  6. Singhal Presentation - II
    1. *Doing coarse grain prototyping
    2. *VCE looks very similar to AVS
    3. *Working with Lewis Industry collaboration on VCE2
    4. *Differential equations
    5. *Integro-Differential Equations
    6. *Numeriacl Stiffness
    7. *Physical models such as for turbulence
  7. Lutz Grosz Presentation
    1. *Solver is core of PDE PSE
    2. *Must characterize both solver and problem and then match
    3. *analyse what a user would do
    4. *reduce to canonical form and "look up" as function of parameters
      1. -break up into sub PDE's
      2. -Do this by trial and error running of codes with different parameter values
  8. Demmel Presentation
    1. *Describes EOSDIS climate ocean model
    2. *EOSDIS -- 6 petabytes by year 2000
    3. *Extending SQL to handle huge databases associated with simulations
      1. -for instance, extract data at arbitary resolution
    4. *specify planckton pieces
    5. *Hughes prime contractor
    6. *2 central resources and a set of smaller focused repositories
    7. *keep lineage (where it came from)
  9. Questions from the audience - I
    1. *Any decision on object oriented methods is a compromise which depends on status of compilers
      1. -Can't put lowest level abstractions with overloaded + and - operators as inefficient
    2. *ELLPACK is not Supported
    3. *Hitachi has commercial DECSOLVE PDE solver
      1. -If original Fortran x lines
      2. -DECSOLVE is x/20 and produced 2x line length Fortran which ran faster than original code as optimized for Hitachi Compiler
  10. Questions from the audience - II
    1. *Thompson says he can give people both geometries and meshs from National Grid project
    2. *John Rice says little difference between different languages!
      1. -Barry Smith violently disagrees
      2. -Fortran77 can't do user interfaces but Rice doesn't believe ELLPACK (written in F77) would be much easier in another language