1. John Rice on PSE Examples
    1. *Text Processing -- compare Word, Troff or Tex
    2. *CAD Systems hide NASTRAN
    3. *MATLAB -- Underlying software in fact available to everybody
      1. -Gave nice language ala 1070's and support
      2. -language like mathematica
  2. PDELab as an example
    1. *Large scope as collected 20 different solvers -- much more than other systems
    2. *Interesting script with mathematics notation
    3. *invokes decomposers for parallel partitioining
    4. *Developed specialized bioseparation environment
    5. *user interface models lab environment
  3. History of PSE
    1. *Started in 1963 but abandonned as not enough computing power
    2. *Now technology allows
    3. *What about Kiowa and other histogramming packages
  4. Software/Language
    1. *Define problem to be solved
    2. *PSE specific computational script
      1. -What is a script! John Rice agrees this is not defined
      2. -Not just an Interpreted Language
    3. *System Components
      1. -Control Program
      2. -Problem Specific Modules
      3. -Runtime Support Systems
      4. -Utilities
    4. *Analyses MATLAB and PDELAB in these terms
    5. *May not need one program that knows whats going on globally!
  5. Parallelism
    1. *A focus of this workshop
    2. *Extreme solution is to develop optimal code with software tailored to exploit all possible optimizations
      1. -Possible as PSE typically generates code
    3. *Minimize user time not computer time
  6. Questions
    1. *What about open architectues?
    2. *Mixed feelings as "open-ness" not used.
    3. *Claims developers will build software - not users
    4. *PSE's are general field but money comes from PDE parts of Arpa,NSF
    5. *What is a script! Not asked