#VRML V1.0 ascii PerspectiveCamera { position 0 20 0 orientation -0.57735 -0.57735 -0.57735 2.0944 focalDistance 1 heightAngle 1.5708 }A new entry point is defined. The viewer looks at the world from the top.
WWWAnchor {
name "white.wrl"
Transform { translation 10 0 -5 } WWWInline { name "white.wrl" bboxSize 5 5 5 } }WWWAnchor works as a Separator. It define an object. However, WWWAnchor associates a link to the object. If the viewer activates this link, the web page will be displayed on the viewer's browser. The link can also point to any HTML page.
WWWInline provides a way to incorporate VRML objects from the web. The name field provides the URL of the included object. The bboxSize defines the bounding box of the object. The center of the bounding box can be specified by bboxCenter field.
WWWAnchor {
name "mistake.wrl"
Transform { translation 5 0 0 } WWWInline { name "mistake.wrl" bboxSize 5 5 5 } } WWWAnchor {
name "per_vertex.wrl"
Transform { translation 0 0 5 } WWWInline { name "per_vertex.wrl" bboxSize 5 5 5 } } WWWAnchor {
name "per_vertex_indexed.wrl"
Transform { translation -5 0 10 } WWWInline { name "per_vertex_indexed.wrl" bboxSize 5 5 5 } } WWWAnchor {
name "per_face.wrl"
Transform { translation 5 0 -10 } WWWInline { name "per_face.wrl" bboxSize 5 5 5 } } WWWAnchor {
name "per_face_indexed.wrl"
Transform { translation 0 0 -5 } WWWInline { name "per_face_indexed.wrl" bboxSize 5 5 5 } } WWWAnchor {
name "texture_naive.wrl"
Transform { translation -5 0 0 } WWWInline { name "texture_naive.wrl" bboxSize 5 5 5 } } WWWAnchor {
name "texture.wrl"
Transform { translation -10 0 5 } WWWInline { name "texture.wrl" bboxSize 5 5 5 } }