MySQL Benchmark Results - Compare with mysql,pg,solid Welcome to mySQL
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MySQL Benchmark Results
Compare with mysql,pg,solid

This is the result file of the different benchmark tests.

The number in () after each tests shows how many SQL commands the particular test did. As one test may have many different parameters this gives only a rough picture of what was done. Check the source for more information.

Keep in mind that one can't compare benchmarks run with different --cmp options. The --cmp options sets the all limits according to the worst limit for all server in the benchmark.

Numbers marked with '+' are estimated according to previous runs because the query took longer than a given time-limit to finish. The estimation shouldn't be far from the real result thought.

Numbers marked with '?' contains results that gave wrong result. This can only be used as an indication of how long it took for the server to produce a wrong result :)

Hope this will give you some idea how each db is performing at what thing ....
Hope you like it .... Luuk & Monty (1997)

The test was run with limits from: mysql,pg,solid The result logs which where found and the options:

1mysql-Linux_2.0.36_i686MySQL 3.22.18
2pg-Linux_2.0.36_i686PostgreSQL 6.4
3pg_fast-Linux_2.0.36_i686PostgreSQL 6.4 --fast
4solid-Linux_2.0.36_i686SOLID Server - v.02.30.0026 (Linux ix86)

Operation 1
Results per test in seconds:
ATIS 49 +1520 161 701
alter-table 23 4 3 8
big-tables 15 470 439 20
connect 53 349 344 236
create 15 168 380 59
insert 1389+133319+62260+457496
select 630 +2069 +2098 +9245
wisconsin 20 452 185 226
The results per operation:
alter_table_add (293) 21 1 1 3
book-keeping () 0
connect (10000) 15 84 82 84
connect+select (10000) 19 210 208 105
count (100) 59 156 156 1213
count_on_key (50100) 640 +1685 +1768+10121
create+drop (1000) 3 46 38 18
create_index (7) 1 1 0 0
create_key+drop (1000) 2 33 16 20
create_table (1031) 6 68 69 9
delete_big (15) 67 76 60 417
delete_key (500) 10 634 11 29
drop_index (7) 1 0 0 1
drop_table (1028) 0 17 17 9
insert (350768) 162 1213 1054 1267
insert_duplicates (300000) 18 164 170 91
insert_key (100000) 165 944 703 1153
insert_many_fields (2000) 4 123 121 9
min_max (60) 27 49 48 406
min_max_on_key (73000) 32 +2153 +2162 114
order_by (10) 73 269 199 367
order_by_key (10) 50 265 200 375
select (20000) 8 35 33 27
select_big (10080) 61 136 103 335
select_distinct (800) 14 139 38 169
select_group (3101) 41 5688 8008 1269
select_join (200) 22 +1262 35 408
select_key (200000) 230 +634 545 573
select_key_prefix (200000) 242 +639 547 545
select_many_fields (2000) 11 347 316 10
select_range (25420) 29+34472 +736+200311
select_range_prefix (25010) 35+34462 +724+201289
select_simple_join (500) 2 6 17 37
update_key (500) 4 443 12 2
update_key_big (501) 27 978 331 818
update_of_key (256) 83 3569 2222 3015
wisc_benchmark (114) 6 310 28 55
TOTALS 2190+91311+20778+424674



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