Server Parsed Documents
(Server Side Includes)
Server Side Includes (SSI) are a powerful way of embedding dynamic content in your web pages. SSI documents are parsed by the server before being sent to the client. This allows you to embed SSI tags within HTML pages which are expanded by the server before being sent to the client. The Zeus server has an exceptionally flexible SSI engine which can expand SSI tags, regardless of how the HTML was generated. The Zeus SSI engine is optimised so SSI documents do not degrade the performance of the server.SSI enabled HTML files require a MIME type of text/x-server-parsed-html which by default is mapped on to the .shtml file extension. Any output generated which has a MIME type of text/x-server-parsed-html will be parsed by the server, whether it is from a static file, a CGI script or a Java Servelet.
SSI Directives
SSI Directives are special values in your HTML files which the server will look for to parse. In order not to interfere with your HTML design the SSI directives are included in HTML comments. HTML comments have a special starting tag "<!-->" and ending tag "-->"<!-- HTML Comments look like this -->
SSI directives contain a command, and a number of parameters and arguments. So they take the form :
<!--#command parameter(s)="argument"-->
The #echo Command
The echo command makes available the set of environment variables sent to CGI programs. Using this command you can send these variables back to the user without having to resort to CGI programs. The echo command is followed by the parameter and argument values "var=environment variable". For a full list of environment variables see the CGI documentation.Example : Output Environmental Variables
The following SHTML file displays a selection of SSI variables.SSI Variables SSI Environment Variables