Title: Ubiquitious Access to HPC Resources Organization: Florida State University Lead: Geoffrey Fox Objective: Given the work going on in "computing portals" world (activities supported by DoD, DOE, NSF, industry, etc.), it makes sense to envision the connectivity to HPC resources as services offered by a portal, and the handheld simply as a device with a particular set of capabilities that can link with the portal server. In this way the services don't have to be implemented separately for every different display device that comes along, and the portal can act as a flexible gateway to accommodate the different capabilities of various display devices. This project will demonstrate connectivity between HPC job and status information and handheld devices. Accomplishments: We are adapting the work last year linking Tango to Handheld/Desktop environments to the newer architecture involving a personal server. We expect to have a good demonstration of this by the end of the summer. This work is currently using the WAP standard. We have need to adress the server side but are first concentrating on an end to end system prototype. Then we will add in the special HPCC functionality Plans: Expect to have an early demonstration ready by end of next quarter Problems: None