Title: Collaborative Portals for Training and Computational Science Organization: Florida State University Lead: Geoffrey Fox Objective: "Portals" are becoming the dominant approach for the provision of web-accessible distributed systems for computational science, education/training, and other areas. In this effort we investigate two important technologies for the construction of portals. In the context of C/C we will produce a prototype "betterportalML", used to define the structure and services offered by a portal. In the context of Training, we will prototype a queued event service, used to unify synchronous and asynchronous access to training "objects" from a variety of devices, including handhelds. Accomplishments: This is where most of our effort is going. The three major areas are: 1) Reworking Gateway system to support computing and education portals 2) The new federated event service. Here we have developed a completely new model. 3) The Personal server environment. Plans: We are on track for component demonstrations by September 00 and initial system by December 00 Problems: None