Project Title: Object-Oriented Analysis, Design, Modeling and Composition (OOADMC) Tools for HPC Modeling and Simulation Background In the last year project, we completed our core infrastructure environment for Metacomputing FMS using our HLA-compliant, Web/Commodity based WebHLA architecture. The whole environment was first fine-tuned and tested one one specific large scale FMS application - Parallel CMS (Comprehensive Minefield Simulator for Ft.Belvoir - and then packaged in terms of coarse grain modules / federates that are now ready for reuse and adaptation for NAVO applications. Based on lessons learned in our work on parallelizing CMS given by complex object-orineted C++ simulation code, and discussions with various DoD contractors such as Metron, Teknowledge and Mak, we realized that there is an urgent need for parallel tools in the area of object-oriented analysis, design modeling and composition. We propose here to build such high level visual tools on top of our Metacomputing FMS infrastructure by integrating our previous WebFlow system with the new industry standards for visual modeling such as UML (Uniform Modeling Lanaguage). Project Description Several HPC programming tools for data parallel programming intense CTAs such as CFD or SIP were collected and transferred to the DoD users by the PET program. However, Modeling and Simulation CTAs such as FMS or IMT that are based on dynamic object-oriented programming with large number of objects and complex associations require dedicated tools for OO HPC software engineering. In our previous projects with DoE, NSF and DoD, we were experimenting with one such Web based visual composition environment called WebFlow that offered Java applet based visual graph authoring tools for distributed dataflow simulations. Meanwhile, new software industry standards such as UML (Uniform Modeling Language) and the associated authoring tools such as Rational Rose appeared recently in the areas of object-oriented software analysis and design for the desktop computing. We propose here to construct suitable extensions and adaptations of Web based authoring environments such as WebFlow and OOAD standards such as UML and to develop new generation tools that will offer user-friendly standards based visual authoring support for building HPC object-oriented applications. More specifically, we will analyze and adapt for the HPC purposes the ARGO/UML package available from or that offers open source Java based implementation of the UML standard. We will combine this tool for fine grain OA&D with our WebFlow model for visual authoring of coarse grain module based distributed Web computing applications and with our HLA-compliant WebHLA infrastructure for high performance / metacomputing federations. The resulting environment that we call WebFlow/UML will offer consistent, standards based, all grain visual authoring support ranging from fine grain event and objects to medium grain components and modules to coarse grain federates. Hence, WebFlow/UML will support and integrate various standard middleware encapsulation frameworks ranging from Enterprise Java Beans to CORBA components to HLA federates. WebFlow/UML middleware to support such multi-framework integration will be implemented by extending our JWROB based WebHLA architecture and by adding suitable new CORBA facilties to JWORB such as the core UML infrastructure (including Meta-Object Facility (MOF) for general purpose metamodeling, UML Metamodel for representing UML diagrammatic topologoes and XML based Metadata Interface (XMI) for Web scripting and exchange of UML models) and the associated extensions (such as Common Warehouse Metamodel and Software Process Engineering Metamodels). We will layer WebFlow/UML on top of selected FMS programming environments such as HPC RTI, Tempo/Thema, Parallel NSS or SPEEDES, and DMSO M&S environments such as the HLA FEDEP (Federation Development Process). We will interact with the corresponding DoD user communities and with NAVO researchers to solicite their specific requirements and then to fine-tune our design and prototypes based on the user feedback. Project Deliverables * WebFlow/UML environment for all grain visual authoring of object-oriented component based HPC modeling and simulation software; * WebFlow/UML adaptations and bindings for selected FMS, DMSO or NAVO modeling and simulation environments, based on requirements gathered from the DoD users of the current systems. Project Benefits WebFlow/UML will offer a user-friendly and standards based environment for object-oriented analysis, design, modeling and composition of high performance simulation codes. It will improve the quality of DoD HPC codes, shorten the development time, reduce development costs, enforce the robustness of deployed systems, enable interoperability between various encapsulation frameworks and facilitate reuse in terms of standardized components of various granularities. Collaboration We will interact both with NAVO DoD users to solicitate their requirements and to align WebFlow/UML best to their needs, and with a broader DoD community of HPC Modeling and Simulation, engaged in various aspects of high performance object-orineted software engineering and code development. For example, we will adapt WebFlow/UML to the needs of Parallel CMS and we were also encouraged by Jeff Steinman of Metron, Inc. who developes general purpose SPEEDES simulation engine for PDES (Parallel/Distributed Event Driven Simulations) to explore UML extensions towards Visual SPEEDES. The requirement of UML compliance was presented to Metron by their DoD customer, Wargame2000 enterprise at the Joint National Test Facility in Colorado Springs, CO. DMSO is also encouraging the whole modeling and simulation community to experiment with, propose, prototype and standardize via SISO various high level user friendly authoring technologies within the HLA Federation Development Process (FEDEP). We also received positive feedback for our initial WebFlow/UML concepts from Mak and SAIC after our recent presentation at the HLA Users Group meeting in Boston. Requested Budget: $107,763