INSTITUTION NAME: Syracuse University
PROJECT TITLE: CHSSI Training Materials
POC: David Bernholdt,, (315) 443-3857, fax (315) 443-1973CTA or PEI: Forces Modeling and Simulation (FMS)
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In this project we interact with the FMS CHSSI projects FMS-2, FMS-3, FMS-4, FMS-5 and we are developing training materials for the individual FMS core modules as they are becoming available. This process was started in Year 2 with the SPEEDES Training task. We obtained the SPEEDES license from NASA, installed the system at NPAC, analyzed the source, participated in the SPEEDES Training by Metron for the Wargame2000 crew at the JNTF in Colorado Springs, established working relations with the Metron team, finally we developed SQL database for the SPEEDES naming space (classes, functions, structures, methods etc.) which allows for the Web based navigation through the source code, papers, presentations and tutorials. In Year 3, we will complete SPEEDES Training Other CHSSI modules to be addressed in later years by this project include (in anticipated order of attack): E-TEMPO/Thema (FMS-2) and E-ModSAF (FMS-3), IMPORT (FMS-4), and HPC RTI (FMS-5). For each module/system, we plan to develop the user level know-how and some source level understanding for the FMS CHSSI modules, collect available documentation and training materials, develop Web based entry level tutorials and Web linked databases that facilitate navigation through the documentation, presentation and the source code, plan interactive course modules to be developed by the follow-on projects.
PROJECT OBJECTIVES: Facilitate adoption of HPC FMS tools (which at present are almost exclusively those being developed by the FMS CHSSI program) by the larger FMS community by providing training materials in support of these tools, and on these tools.
DELIVERABLES: User level know-how and some source level understanding of the CHSSI FMS systems, Web based entry level tutorials, Web linked SQL databases with the navigation support for all available materials, design of the interactive course modules.
CUSTOMERS/END USERS: SPEEDES users include Wargame2000, NSS and possible JSIMS developer communities. TEMPO/Thema users include the Air Force NASM/AN program that develops campaign level SBA system. E-ModSAF ussers will likley include STRICOM who expressed interest in this project. IMPORT and HPC RTI users will likely include JSIMS community.
BENEFIT TO THE WARFIGHTER: Advanced HPC based FMS module will play significant role in shaping the next generation large scale simulation systems for analysis, training and acquisition. Training on how to efficiently use these modules to exploit their advanced capabilities is essential for successful HPC technology insertion into the large scale joint simulations of relevance for the warfighter.
PROJECT DEPENDENCIES AND SCOPE: This project is driven by the availability of the individual CHSSI modules under development by the FMS-2, FMS-3, FMS-4, FMS-5 projects. We started with SPEEDES which is most mature and we will continue with TEMPO/Thema, IMPORT, E-ModSAF and HPC RTI, time-ordered by their planned alpha release dates. On output, this project passes all materials to the Training Federates project which develops interactive course modules packages as WebHLA federates.
RISK ELEMENT: Complexity of CHSSI modules may exceed the PET capabilities/funding level to build sufficient understanding of these packages. Projections regarding the potential user community and hence the expected training audience for CHSSI modules might turn out to be too optimistic. Schedules for CHSSI projects can slip, impacting availability of the modules. If ARL wishes to host these training modules for external access, it may be necessary for them to acquire licenses for some of the software. It may also be necessary to address access control issues for the materials.