PET FOCUSED EFFORT PROPOSAL Focused Effort Title: HPCC Educational CD-ROM Thematic Area(s): HPC Training and DoD User Productivity PI Name: David Bernholdt PI EMail Address: PI Telephone: 315 443 3857 PI Fax: 315 443 1973 Project Description: NPAC and other PET partners have a sizable volume of educational materials on various areas of HPCC which are suitable for asynchronous use, for example by DoD researchers wishing to increase their familiarity with various HPCC techniques and tools through self-study. The idea behind this project is to collect such materials into a CD-ROM which can then be distributed to users. NPAC already has the core of such a collection in a CD-ROM that was produced for our Computational Science Education work in China ( We would remove web technologies (except for Java for computational science) and include Virtual Programming Laboratory and SciVis material. We would then augment this with additional materials (i.e. grids, algebra, programming tools) drawn from other PET partners, guided by an editorial board including (we suggest) Jack Dongarra, Geoffrey Fox, Chuck Koelbel, Joe Thompson, Louis Turcotte. We envision this as an on-going project, with regular releases new CDs containing updated materials in order to keep abreast of evolving tools and technologies. The current proposal includes funds for NPAC to update materials, coordinate the acquisition of additional materials, and produce the first CD distribution. It also includes funds to support other contributors updating and formatting their materials appropriately for this method of dissemination. As a practical matter, we expect these funds to go directly from NRC to the appropriate universities, thus avoiding additional costs and delays. Benefits: This projects is intended to provide a broad range of HPCC educational material to DoD researchers to augment the more specific training classes available at the MSRCs. It will help researchers make better use of the HPCC resources, and help them better understand which trainings can be most helpful to them. Deliverables: CD-ROM produced and ready for distribution (March 1998) Customer Commitment/Involvement: This project was specifically requested by Louis Turcotte.