Recommended PC Hardware Comfiguration for use with Tango 1. General/Student workstation PC with Windows NT 4.0 SP5 (upgradable to Windows2000 asap) 1. 400 MHz Pentium III or faster 2. 128 MB RAM or more 3. 8GB HDD or more (can be IDE or ATA) 4. Winnow PCI Videum Conference Pro $359 5. SoundBlaster 64 not necessary if Winnov installed External speakers not necessary because of headset, but in classroom setting, 2 computers should have speakers 6. Ethernet 10/100 7. headset + microphone VXI Parrott 10-3 $59 8. good quality monitor (19") and appropriate graphics card 1152x864 True Color, or 1240x1024 True color - recommended 9. CDROM 10. Software Microsoft office Textpad, WinZIP, FTP client, netscape 4.7, IE 5 2. Teacher's workstation For present time, we recommend that instructors use TWO of the above workstations to allow for separation of BuenaVista (A/V conferencing), which can be highly resource intensive in a one-to-many teaching environment, from the remaining Tango tools. Eventually, we expect to recommend a single 2-processor system with more memory (256 MB) and larger monitor (1600x1200) as an alternative to using two separate workstations, but we have recently experienced subtle problems with Netscape on a handful of 2-CPU systems and do we would prefer to be cautious in our recommendations. All brand name computers (Dell etc), do not buy clones. Critical software (OS, Service Packs, browsers, Tango plugin) should not be changed or upgraded without first checking with Browsers and Tango plugins in particular will need to be kept in sync throughout PET userbase to insure interoperability.