OUTREACH FMS As noted earlier, the natural HPCC user base in the FMS community is not large. Consequently, the the primary interface with the FMS community has been through the DoD FMS CTA Lead, Robert Wasilausky, and the various researchers involved in FMS CHSSI projects. In addition to routine contacts be e-mail and at various meetings, this fall, Syracuse University's FMS Lead, Prof. Wojtek Furmanski was invited to attend an internal review of the FMS CHSSI program. This meeting, conducted at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), in San Diego California, provided an opportunity for the PET team to keep abreast of CHSSI activities and for both groups to exchange views as to the evolution of the field. During a visit to the Army Research Lab in Aberdeen Maryland, Prof. Furmanski also had the opportunity to talk with the heads of the Aberdeen Test Center and the Virtual Proving Ground project. Although these organizations are technically more closely allied with the IMT CTA area than with FMS, there is a fair amount of overlap between the two fields, especially in the opportunity for commodity distributed computing. In conjunction with the CMS parallelization planning effort, Syracuse researchers have also had extensive contact with the code's "owner", Steve Bishop, and his group. This included a visit by Prof. Furmanski to Ft. Belvoir for a breifing and demonstration of the system.