User Site Area Inst. Mode Purpose/Result Steve Bishop Ft. Belvoir FMS SU Visit Briefing on CMS in conjunction with Year 2 Focused Effort. This group has since Joe McDonnel obtained accounts at CEWES MSRC and is porting their code to the Origin2000 there. Keith Snively Jeff Holland CEWES EQM SU Visit Discussed prospects for collaboration on "web launching" of Land Management System modules. Submitted proposal for Year 3 Focused Effort. NOTE: The following are not users per se, but would be considered potential users. Eileen Viar ARL FMS SU Visit Discussions of HPC for FMS applications Geoffrey Sauerborn David Itkin SAIC FMS SU Visit Attended internal review of CHSSI FMS projects Henry Ng NRL Roger Nielsen NRL Larry Peterson NRaD Mark Roberts COLSA Bill Smith NRL Jackie Steele SMDC Jeff Steinman Metron Jeff Wallace NRaD Bob Wasilausky NRaD (DoD FMS CTA Lead) Alan Whitehurst BYU NOTE: We also have contacts with other PET team members about distance education & such if you want them.