Core Support Area: Collaboration/Communication (C/C)


Lead: Dr. David Bernholdt (NPAC-Syracuse)


PI EMail Address:


PI Telephone: (315) 443-3857 PI Fax: (315) 443-1973


Statement of Work: Syracuse will provide a core level of effort to support technology transfer, user outreach, training, and assessment of tools and technologies to facilitate communication and collaboration among the PET team and users of the CEWES MSRC. Technologies of interest include, but are not limited to, both synchronous and asynchronous collaboration over the Internet and use of databases to manage large volumes of information, especially when coupled with web servers to facilitate access to the information. Syracuse will provide an appropriate level of effort to support the deployment and use of the Tango collaboratory tool, emphasizing robustness and core collaboration functionality. Syracuse will continue to operate and enhance web-linked database applications it has developed for CEWES MSRC, and, as requested, assist with transfer to on-site computer systems. Syracuse will maintain frequent contact with CEWES MSRC Webmasters (Herman Moore and David Longmire), database administrators, and other on-site personnel to insure that C/C resources provide the maximum utility to the PET/user community. Syracuse will also maintain regular contact with PET team members to assess needs. Syracuse will select and attend focused conferences and other meetings that have high payoff and direct application for team and user interaction and technology transfer.



• Trip reports for conferences and user contacts (as conducted)

• Contributions to PET bi-weekly and Annual reports (every two weeks according to schedule and March 1999)

• Presentations for PET Mid-Year and Annual Reviews (August 1998, January 1999)

• On-going enhancement of the Tango in support of collaboration:

- Tango 2 release with rewritten server and client for increased robustness (October 1998)

- Tango 2 release with linkage to database, including Lotus Notes, for asynchronous collaboration (January 1999)

• On-going Operation and enhancement of web-linked database applications

• Assistance with transfer of web-linked database applications to CEWES MSRC computer systems (TBD)

• Training on web-linked database technology (TBD)

• Tango training at 27 April 1998 NCSA Alliance meeting and 26-27 June 1998 national meeting on web-based education and training in San Diego (DoD personnel will be invited to both events)

• Develop and maintain a web site with information on C/C tools and technologies



Expenditure Profile: