Core Support Area:
Forces Modeling and Simulation/C4I (FMS)
Lead: Dr. David Bernholdt (NPAC-Syracuse)
PI EMail Address:
PI Telephone: (315) 443-3857 PI Fax: (315) 443-1973
Statement of Work: Syracuse will provide a core level of effort to support technology transfer, user outreach, training, and assessment of targeted codes and algorithms in FMS. Targeted codes include, but are not limited to, the Comprehensive Mine Simulator (CMS), Modular Simulation of Armed Forces (ModSAF), and SPEEDES. Technology of interest includes, but is not limited to, High-Level Architecture (HLA) simulations, CORBA and Java-based Run-Time Infrastructure (RTI), and other concepts being implemented by joint DoD simulation efforts. Syracuse will maintain frequent contact with Dr. Robert Wasilausky (NRad), the DoD CTA Lead for FMS, to understand the priorities and ongoing CHSSI activities. Syracuse will select and attend focused conferences and other meetings that have high payoff and direct application for user interaction and technology transfer. Targeted training includes, but is not limited to, distributed computing, Java, Object Web RTI, etc. Such training may be conducted either at CEWES MSRC or at remote user sites as deemed necessary and appropriate.
• Trip reports for conferences and user contacts (as conducted)
• Contributions to PET bi-weekly and Annual reports (every two weeks according to schedule and March 1999)
• Presentations for PET Mid-Year and Annual Reviews (August 1998, January 1999)
• Training course materials (as conducted)
• Develop and maintain a web site describing FMS activities of interest to CEWES MSRC users.
Notes: Syracuse should work with Dr. Wayne Mastin to identify and target at least one opportunity to conduct FMS training during Year Three.
Expenditure Profile: