Focused Effort Title: HPC Educational CD-ROM


Thematic Area(s): HPC Training and DoD User Productivity


PI Name: Dr. David Bernholdt (NPAC-Syracuse)


PI EMail Address:


PI Telephone: (315) 443-3857 PI Fax: (315) 443-1973


Statement of Work: NPAC and other PET partners have a sizable volume of educational materials on various areas of HPC which are suitable for asynchronous use, for example by DoD researchers wishing to increase their familiarity with various HPC techniques and tools through self-study. The idea behind this project is to collect such materials into a CD-ROM which can then be distributed to users. This is an on-going effort, guided by an editorial board including Dr. Jack Dongarra, Dr. Geoffrey Fox, Dr. Chuck Koelbel, Dr. Joe Thompson, and Dr. Louis Turcotte. In Year Three, Syracuse will include the following new and revised materials in the CD:



Rice: Designing and Building Parallel Programs, High Performance Fortran 2

Syracuse: Revised CPS615 (Computational Science for Simulation Applications) course materials

Tennessee: ScaLAPACK, Sparse solvers and preconditioning, Performance evaluation and modeling, Performance optimization, Performance analysis tools



• Draft CD-ROM for test at JSU (August 1998)

• Master CD-ROM prepared (December 1998)

• Contributions to PET bi-weekly and Annual reports (every two weeks according to schedule and March 1999)

• Presentations for PET Mid-Year and Annual Reviews (August 1998, January 1999)

• CD-ROM produced (1000 copies) (December 1998)


Funding: $19,406, including all travel


Expenditure Profile:

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

$1K $2K $2K $2K $2K $2K $2K $2K $2K $0K $0K $0K