Focused Effort Title: New Directions in Distance Education and Training PI Name: David Bernholdt PI EMail Address: PI Telephone: 315 443 3857 PI Fax: 315 443 1973 Project Description: This project is intended to continue and extend our Distance Education efforts with Jackson State University. We will extend Tango to support "higher-level" course materials, including support for JavaBeans and Java applets embedded in web pages, glossaries, interactive quizzes, etc. We will develop coursware in basic parallel computing which demonstrates these capabilities and deliver it both as an academic class and in condensed form as a training. We will present a Distance Education Workshop to encourage wider use of Tango within JSU and elsewhere. Accomplishments: The Distance Education Workshop is tentatively planned for the week of 16 August, to be hosted by Jackson State University. We expect the dates to be finalized shortly. Work proceeds on the Tango enhancements. Much of the required functionality will be implemented using dynamic HTML (DHTML). We have a working prototype DHTML shared browser, but it is not yet robust enough for general use. Plans: We are making plans for the fall class offering. We have narrowed the class down to two that we teach regularly -- one at an undergraduate level, the other more aimed at the graduate level. We plan in the near future to invite other institutions to participate in the class and will poll them on their class preferences before making a final decision. Problems: no problems