Focused Effort Title: Object-oriented Programming and Authoring Tools for HPC Modeling and Simulation Organization: Syracuse University Thematic Area(s): Scalable Computing Migration HPC Training and DoD User Productivity HPC Performance Metrics/Tools Lead: Wojtek Furmanski Email Address: Telephone: 315 443 1799 Fax: 315 443 1973 Statement of Work: Several HPC programming tools for data parallel programming intense CTAs such as CFD or SIP were collected and transferred to the DoD users by the PET program. However, Modeling and Simulation CTAs such as FMS or IMT that are based on dynamic object-oriented programming with large number of objects and complex associations require dedicated tools for OO HPC software engineering. New software industry standards such as UML (Uniform Modeling Language) and the associated authoring tools such as Rational Rose appeared recently in the areas of object-oriented software analysis and design for the desktop computing. We propose here to construct suitable extensions and adaptations of such standards and tools that will offer user-friendly visual authoring support for building HPC object-oriented applications. More specifically, we will analyze and adapt for the HPC purposes the ARGO/UML package available from or that offers open source Java based implementation of the UML standard. We will combine this tool for fine grain OA&D with our WebFlow model for visual authoring of coarse grain module based distributed Web computing applications. This way, we will construct WebFlow/UML environment that will offer consistent, standards based, all grain visual authoring support ranging from fine grain event and objects to coarse grain components and modules. We will layer WebFlow/UML on top of selected FMS programming environments such as HPC RTI, Tempo/Thema, Parallel NSS or SPEEDES, and DMSO M&S environments such as the HLA FEDEP (Federation Development Process). We will interact with the corresponding DoD user communities to solicite their specific requirements and then to fine-tune our design and prototypes based on the user feedback. Deliverables: o WebFlow/UML environment for all grain visual authoring of object-oriented component based HPC modeling and simulation software; o WebFlow/UML adaptations and bindings for selected FMS or DMSO modeling and simulation environments, based on requirements gathered from the DoD users of the current systems. o Presentations for PET Midyear and Annual Reviews o Inputs to PET Annual Report o Written progress reports in June and December 2000 o Final Technical Report in March 2001 Customer Commitment/Involvement: We were encouraged by Jeff Steinman of Metron, Inc. to explore UML extensions towards Visual SPEEDES. The requirement of UML compliance was presented to Metron by their DoD customer, Wargame2000 enterprise at the Joint National Test Facility in Colorado Springs, CO. Our other corporate partner, Teknowledge Corp., who works with Metron on UML design for JMASS2000, is also interested in WebFlow/UML and wants to tap into our WebHLA expertise in the next stages of JMASS2000. DMSO is also encouraging the whole modeling and simulation community to experiment with, propose, prototype and standardize via SISO various high level user friendly authoring technologies within the HLA Federation Development Process (FEDEP). Required Resources: $65,789 Item Base Fringe Overhead Total Wojtek Furmanski 12,930 4,422 8,919 26,271 Graduate Student 14,552 1,848 8,430 24,830 Tuition 14,688 - - 14,688 TOTAL 65,789