Focused Effort Title: Thematic Area(s): one of the five subthemes for CEWES MSRC: Scalable Computing Migration, HPC Training and DoD User Productivity, HPC Performance Metrics/Tools, Management and Interpretation of Large Data Sets, SciVis for Very Large Problems PI Name: PI EMail Address: PI Telephone: AC + Number PI Fax: AC + Number Project Description: 1-2 paragraph description Benefits: to CEWES MSRC based on the PET Proposal Evaluation Criteria (see below) Required Resources: in dollars, including any travel and equipment -- also please indicate what dollars will be spend on a month by month basis through the duration of the effort -- proposals that do not include a monthly spending projection will be sent back Deliverables: specific tools or capabilities resulting from this effort and a schedule for delivery Notes: any other brief explanatory comments you feel are necessary Customer Commitment/Involvement: identify any CEWES MSRC users who have interest in this effort (since they will be asked, it is wise not to include anyone that you have not actually spoken to about the proposed effort)