1:   !
    2:   !     Establish a data structure and display mechanism 
    3:   !     for presidential facts.
    4:         module facts
    5:           integer, parameter :: WIDTH=32
    6:           type key_facts
    7:             character (len=WIDTH) :: who
    8:             character (len=WIDTH) :: what
    9:             character (len=WIDTH) :: k_where
   10:             character (len=WIDTH) :: when
   11:           end type key_facts
   12:           contains
   13:             subroutine show_facts ( fact_set, number )
   14:               type ( key_facts ) fact_set
   15:               integer number 
   16:               print 100, number
   17:   100         format ( /, ' ', 'Number ', i2.2, / ) !zgs, 
   18:   ! two comma after and before the slash need to be added
   19:               print 200, fact_set
   20:   200         format (   ' ', 10x, a )
   21:             end subroutine show_facts
   22:         end module facts
   24:         program history
   25:   !
   26:   !     Bring in the data structure and display mechanism.
   27:         use facts
   28:         type ( key_facts ) presidents(42)
   29:   !
   30:   !     Record information about the first and current president.
   31:         presidents(1)%who   = "George Washington"
   32:         presidents(1)%what  = "Engineer, General"
   33:         presidents(1)%k_where = "Mount Vernon, VA"
   34:         presidents(1)%when  = "1789-1797"
   35:         presidents(42) = key_facts ( "Bill Clinton", "Governor", &
   36:                                     "Little Rock, AK", "1993-?" )
   37:   !
   38:   !     Display the information for the only two elements of
   39:   !     PRESIDENTS that have data.
   40:         call show_facts ( presidents( 1),  1 )
   41:         call show_facts ( presidents(42), 42 )
   42:         print *, " "
   43:         end program history