There will be a tutorial on HPF and relevant features of Fortran 90 on the afternoon of Tuesday 10 October at Southampton University. It will consist of lectures plus hands-on programming exercises using the `shpf' system on workstations. Some knowledge of Fortran 77 will be assumed, but no knowledge of Fortran 90 or HPF is required.
A one-day workshop on HPF will be held on Wednesday 11 October at Chilworth Manor (about 4 miles from the main university campus).
These events are aimed particularly at those involved in Fortran program development in any scientific or engineering field. They are intended to be educational, and to provide some knowledge of the uses, limitations, availability, current research and future plans of HPF. Delegates may attend either or both events.
The tutorial and workshop are supported by a grant from the JISC New Technology Initiative. They will be free of charge to staff and students from UK higher education establishments, including lunches and refreshments. A fee is payable by other delegates (see registration form).
Further details and an email registration form are available on request from
email: registration forms may be returned to
post: Christine Collier,Deadline for registration is Friday 29 September.Room 2041, Zepler building,
University of Southampton,
Southampton, S017 1BJ.
fax: (+44) 01703 592865 (FAO Christine Collier)