The workshop will take place at Chilworth Manor Conference Centre, Chilworth, Southampton, S09 1BX.
09.30 ¯ - 10.00: REGISTRATION10.00 - 11.00: Welcome + keynote address
Welcome address
Tony Hey (Head of Department, Electronics and Comupter Science, U. Southampton),
Vienna Fortran extensions for HPF2
Barbara Chapman (Director, European Centre for Parallel Computing at Vienna, Austria)
11.00 - 11.30: BREAK
11.30 - 13.00: HPF systems
shpf: a Subset HPF compilation system
John Merlin and Bryan Carpenter (U. Southampton)
Optimisations in the HPF compilation system ADAPTOR
Thomas Brandes (GMD, Germany)
The N.A. Software HPF Toolset
Mike Delves (N.A. Software, Liverpool)
13.00 - 14.00: LUNCH
14.00 - 15.30: HPF user experiences
Parallel Integrated Forecasting System (IFS): Message-passing versus HPF
Fritz Wallenweber (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting, Reading)
Practical experiences in HPF
David Greco (CRS4, Cagliari, Italy)
Porting the GENESIS benchmarks to HPF.
Vladimir Getov (U. Southampton + U. Westminster) and Bryan Carpenter (U. Southampton)
15.30 - 16.00: BREAK
16.00 - 17.30: JISC sites feedback on HPF, and panel discussion
Name:Please tick those events you will attend:____________________________________________________
HPF tutorial (10 October):The tutorial and workshop are free of charge to students and staff of UK higherHPF workshop (11 October):
HPF tutorial (incl. refreshments + lunch): 60 poundsPayment method (please tick chosen alternative):HPF workshop (incl. refreshments + lunch): 100 pounds
¯ ¯ ¯
Cheque payable to ``University of
Bank transfer to:
Southampton'' (pounds, sterling). Midland Bank PLC,
Southampton branch,
Please send to: 165 High Street,
Christine Collier, Southampton,
Room 2041, Zepler building, S09 7Al.
University of Southampton, sort code: 40-42-18.
Southampton, a/c number: 81606263.
S017 1BJ.
(Please refer to `HPF' after your
name on the transfer form.)
Cardholder's name:
Credit card number:
Expiry date:
Cardholder's address:
(Address to which
card bill is sent.)