CIS 5930-04
Spring 2001

Homework #4

A Web-based User Interface using Servlets

Rewrite the client-server application you developed in the previous homework. Instead of using an applet front end to an RMI-based file server, the user interface should consist of a series of HTML pages with suitable forms, generated and handled by one or more servlets. A data file on the the Web server will be manipulated by the servlets.

The application should be deployed under a Tomcat server running on the port allocated for you on sirah, merlot, cabernet or pinot, in CSIT. The lectures give details on how to install and run the Tomcat server. Port allocations will appear on the course announcements page.

Submission of your Homework

Your submission should consist of files including
  1. A short description of your application, preferably in Microsoft Word, HTML, or plain text format,
which should be copied to the directory called /home/project/it1spring01/homework4/uid on sirah, where uid is your login ID. For this homework, the .html and .java source files you develop should be left in the installation directory for your Tomcat server, which should be in the home directory of your sirah account.


For this assignment, there will be a total of 20 points. Grading criteria are similar to Assignment 1. Some points will be assigned on the basis of apparent effort and uniqueness.

Resources and Tips

File Access from servlets

In general file I/O from servlet code is identical to Java file I/O from any other code. One thing to be careful about is using relative vs. absolute path names. If you use a relative path name for a file (e.g. "myfile") the accessed file will be in the current working directory associated with the Tomcat server. This is whatever directory you happened to be in when you started the server. This is unlikely to be what you really want, so instead you should open files using absolute path names (e.g. "/home/users/dbc/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/dbc/myfile").

Of course it is not good practice to "hard-code" absolute path names like this into your programs. Instead, use the method getRealPath() from ServletContext to convert a "uri" in the current context to an absolute path name, as in:

  ServletContext c = getServletContext() ;
  ... new FileReader(c.getRealPath("/myfile")) ...
This opens a file called myfile in the root document directory of the current context (i.e. the directory holding top-level HTML files for the context).

Deploying Tomcat

Download Tomcat from the Jakarta Project home page. For installation instructions, see the lectures, starting here.

Servlet examples

See the examples for the servlets lecture set, here.
Please send questions to Bryan Carpenter at