CIS 5930-04
Spring 2001

Homework #5: Final Project

    A "Three-tier" Web Application

    For the final project you should develop a a Web application that incorporates

    The application should be deployed under a Tomcat server running on the port allocated for you on sirah, merlot, cabernet, or pinot in CSIT (see the course announcements page).

    Your application must include at least one servlet. It may optionally include some JSP pages as well (this may lead to extra credit). You should use the high-level session tracking APIs in preference to explicit use of cookies, hidden fields, etc.

    You may choose build on your the client/server applications developed in a previous homeworks, or you may start with a new application. If you choose to extend your simple client/server application, you must ensure you add sufficiently complex behaviors to cover all the requirements above. In particular the application must involve some non-trivial "session state" (akin to a shopping cart), to exploit session-tracking in a meaningful way.

    If you choose to start with a new application, possible projects include business models such as:

    You have considerable freedom in choosing details here, but you must meet the requirements in the first paragraph above. If you want to design a project substantially different from the topics listed above, please send an email request with a brief explanation.

    Submission of your Homework

    Your submission should include:


    For this project, there will be a total of 40 points. This may account for 30-40% of your final grade. You should invest effort accordingly.

    In general grading criteria are similar to Assignment 1. In this project points will be substantially assigned on the basis of apparent effort and uniqueness. To get a high grade some certain minimum level of complexity is expected in your application. A system with around 6 inter-related servlets or JSP pages, 2 database tables, and one or more static HTML pages would be reasonable (these are guidelines only). Moderately realistic example databases make a good impression; tables with very few entries do not. You should aim for an attractively designed Web sites with clear logic.

    Resources and Tips

    Servlet examples

    See the examples for the servlets lecture set, here.

    JDBC examples

    See the examples for the JDBC lecture set, here.

    JSP examples

    See the examples for the JSP lecture set, here.
    Please send questions to Bryan Carpenter at