We motivate and discusses some features of a language model combining data-parallel features from HPF with an explicitly MIMD (SPMD) programming style. This model, which we call the "HPspmd" model, is designed to facilitate calls to libraries for parallel programming with distributed data. The slow uptake of HPF is partly attributed to immaturity in current compilers. But it seems that some programmers are equally comfortable with the explicit SPMD programming style. Many higher-level parallel programming environments and libraries assume this style (ScaLAPACK, PetSc, Kelp, the Global Arrays, etc). Unfortunately the library-based SPMD approach lacks the uniformity and elegance of HPF. The class of programming languages we discuss borrow ideas from HPF, but relinquish other principles. An explicitly MIMD programming model is complemented by syntax for representing distributed arrays. These features can make calls to various data-parallel libraries about as convenient as calling an array intrinsic function in Fortran 90.