An "HPspmd" Programming Model Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox and Guansong Zhang The poster motivates and discusses some features of a language model combining characteristic data-parallel features from HPF with an explicitly SPMD programming style. This model, which we call the "HPspmd" model, is designed to facilitate direct calls to established libraries for parallel programming with distributed data. The slow uptake of HPF can be partly attributed to immaturity in the current generation of compilers, but it seems likely that many programmers are actually more comfortable with the Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) programming style, perhaps because the effect of executing an SPMD program is more controllable. Many higher-level parallel programming environments and libraries assume the SPMD style as their basic model, including ScaLAPACK, PetSc, DAGH, Kelp, the Global Array Toolkit. These successes aside, the library-based SPMD approach to data-parallel programming certainly lacks the uniformity and elegance of HPF. The class of programming languages we discuss borrow certain ideas and compilation techniques from HPF, but relinquish some of its principles. We retain is an explicitly MIMD (SPMD) programming model complemented by syntax for representing distributed arrays, with syntax for expressing that certain computations are localized to certain processors. The claim is that these features will make calls to various data-parallel libraries about as convenient as making a call to an array transformational intrinsic function in Fortran 90. Early experience with a Java-based HPspmd language called HPJava will be related.