@TECHREPORT{Fortran77D_Fortran90D, AUTHOR = "Alok Choudhary and Geoffrey C. Fox and Tomasz Haupt and Xiaoming Li and Chao-Wei Ou and Sanjay Ranka and Ken Kennedy", TITLE = "{Fortran 77D} and {Fortran 90D}: Scalable and Portable Software Modules for SIMD and MIMD Distributed Memory Parallel Computers", INSTITUTION = "Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University", MONTH = Aug, YEAR = 1995, } @INPROCEEDINGS{Common_runtime, AUTHOR = "Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium", TITLE = "Common Runtime Support for High-Performance Parallel Languages", BOOKTITLE = "Supercomputing `93", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press", YEAR = 1993 } @UNPUBLISHED{HPJava_white_paper, AUTHOR = "Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium", TITLE = "{HPCC} and {Java}---A Report by The {Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium}", MONTH = May, YEAR = 1996, NOTE = "URL: http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/hpjava3.html" } @TECHREPORT{Distributed_array, AUTHOR = "Bryan Carpenter and James Cowie and Donald Leskiw and Xiaoming Li", TITLE = "The Distributed Array Descriptor for a {PCRC} {HPF} Compiler, Version 2.0", INSTITUTION = "Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University", NUMBER = "SCCS-770d", MONTH = Oct, YEAR = 1996, NOTE = "URL: http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pcrc/July97/doc.html" } @TECHREPORT{Syntax_test, AUTHOR = "D.B. Carpenter", TITLE = "{PCRC} {Fortran} 90 and {HPF} Syntax Test Suite", INSTITUTION = "Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University", MONTH = Feb, YEAR = 1996, NOTE = "URL: http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pcrc/July97/doc.html" } @TECHREPORT{HPFfe, AUTHOR = "Xiaoming Li", TITLE = "{HPFfe}: a Front-ed for {HPF}", INSTITUTION = "Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University", NUMBER = "SCCS-771", MONTH = Oct, YEAR = 1996, NOTE = "URL: http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pcrc/July97/doc.html" } @PROCEEDINGS{Java_for_CSE, TITLE = "{Java} for Computational Science and Engineering---Simulation and Modelling", EDITOR = "Geoffrey C. Fox", SERIES = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9(6)", MONTH = Jun, YEAR = 1997 } @PROCEEDINGS{Java_for_CSE_II, TITLE = "{Java} for Computational Science and Engineering---Simulation and Modelling {II}", EDITOR = "Geoffrey C. Fox", SERIES = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9(11)", MONTH = Nov, YEAR = 1997 } @MISC{Java98, KEY = "Geoffrey C. Fox", TITLE = "{ACM} 1998 Workshop on {Java} for High-Performance Network Computing", NOTE = "To be held at Palo Alto, California, February 28 and March 1, 1998. URL: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/conferences/java98" } @TECHREPORT{Web_Approaches, AUTHOR = "Geoffrey Fox and Wojtek Furmanski", TITLE = "Computing on the {Web}---New approaches to Parallel Processing---Petaop and Exaop Performance in the year 2007", INSTITUTION = "Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University", NUMBER = "SCCS-784", MONTH = Jan, YEAR = 1997 } @TECHREPORT{Runtime_oriented, AUTHOR = "Xiaoming Li", TITLE = "Runtime Oriented {HPF} Compilation", INSTITUTION = "Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University", NUMBER = "SCCS-779", MONTH = Jan, YEAR = 1997 } @MANUAL{NPAC_PCRC_kernel, TITLE = "{NPAC} {PCRC} Runtime Kernel Definition", AUTHOR = "Bryan Carpenter and Guansong Zhang and Yuhong Wen", YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "In preparation. For current draft, see http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pcrc/July97/doc.html" } @ARTICLE{Experiments_HPJava, AUTHOR = "Bryan Carpenter and Yuh-Jye Chang and Geoffrey Fox and Donald Leskiw and Xiaoming Li", TITLE = "Experiments with {HPJava}", JOURNAL = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "633", YEAR = "1997" } @INPROCEEDINGS{PCRC_based, AUTHOR = "Guansong Zhang and Bryan Carpenter and Geoffrey Fox and Xiaoming Li and Xinying Li and Yuhong Wen", TITLE = "{PCRC}-based {HPF} Compilation", BOOKTITLE = "10th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing", YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Java_Scientific, AUTHOR = "Bryan Carpenter and Yuh-Jye Chang and Geoffrey Fox and Xiaoming Li", TITLE = "{Java} as a Language for Scientific Parallel Programming", BOOKTITLE = "10th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing", YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Fortran_to_Java, AUTHOR = "Geoffrey Fox and Xiaoming Li and Zheng Qiang", TITLE = "A Prototype of {Fortran}-to-{Java} Converter", BOOKTITLE = "ACM Workshop on Java for Science and Engineering Computation", MONTH = "June", YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "To appear in Concurrency: Practice and Experience, special edition" } @MISC{HPFA, AUTHOR = "Sanjay Ranka and Hon W Yau and Kenneth A Hawick and Geoffrey C Fox", TITLE = "{High-Performance Fortran} for {SPMD} programming: An Applications Overview", YEAR = 1996, NOTE = "URL: http://www.npac.syr.edu/hpfa/Papers/HPFforSPMD/" } @TECHREPORT{ii/cvm, AUTHOR = "Geoffrey C. Fox and Xiaoming Li and Yuhong Wen and Guansong Zhang", TITLE = "Studies of Integration and Optimization of Interpreted and Compiled Languages", INSTITUTION = "Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University", NUMBER = "SCCS-780", MONTH = Feb, YEAR = 1997, } @MISC{nplc, AUTHOR = "Seungjo Bae and Sanjay Ranka", TITLE = "{ nplc\_tsc}: Implementation of {HPF} Array Combining Scatter Functions by using Two-Stage Algorithm", YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "URL: http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pcrc/July97/doc.html" } @UNPUBLISHED{Front_end_test, AUTHOR = "Guansong Zhang", TITLE = "Summary of {HPF} front-end test", NOTE = "URL: http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/pcrc/July97/doc.html" } @ARTICLE{shpf, AUTHOR = "John Merlin and Bryan Carpenter and Tony Hey", TITLE = "{shpf}: a Subset {High Performance Fortran} compilation system", JOURNAL = "Fortran Journal", PAGES = "2--6", MONTH = Mar, YEAR = "1996" } @TechReport{ EDJLALI96B, author = "Guy Edjlali and Alan Sussman and Joel Saltz", title = "Interoperability of Data Parallel Runtime Libraries with {Meta--Chaos}", institution = "University of Maryland, Department of Computer Science and UMIACS", year = 1996, number = "CS-TR-3633 and UMIACS-TR-96-30", } @InProceedings{ RANGANATHAN96, author = "M. Ranganathan and A. Acharya and G. Edjlali and A. Sussman and J. Saltz", title = "Runtime Coupling of Data-Parallel Programs", pages = "229--236", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Supercomputing", year = 1996, publisher = "ACM Press", month = May } @InProceedings{ RANGANATHAN96C, author = "M. Ranganathan and A. Acharya and G. Edjlali and A. Sussman and J. Saltz", title = "Flexible and Efficient Coupling of Data Parallel Programs", booktitle = "Proceedings of Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications (POOMA96)", year = 1996, month = Feb } @InProceedings{ EDJLALI97, author = "Guy Edjlali and Alan Sussman and Joel Saltz", title = "Interoperability of Data Parallel Runtime Libraries", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eleventh International Parallel Processing Symposium", year = 1997, publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", month = Apr } @InProceedings{ RANGANATHAN97, author = "M. Ranganathan and Anurag Acharya and Shamik Sharma and Joel Saltz", title = "Network Aware Mobile Programs", booktitle = "Proceedings of the USENIX 1997 Annual Technical Conference", year = 1997, publisher = "Usenix Association", month = Jan } @TechReport{ RANGANATHAN97B, author = "M. Ranganathan and Anurag Acharya and Joel Saltz", title = "Adapting to Bandwidth Variations in Wide-area Data Access", institution = "Department of Computer Science and UMIACS, University of Maryland", year = "1997", number = "In preparation", month = Oct, note = "A shorter version has been submitted to ICDCS'98. Submission is available at http://www.cs.umd.edu/~ranga/icdcs98/submitted" } @InCollection{ ACHARYA97C, author = "Anurag Acharya and M.Ranganathan and Joel Saltz", title = "{Sumatra}: A Language for Resource-aware Mobile Programs", booktitle = "Mobile Object Systems", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = 1997, editor = "J. Vitek and C. Tschudin", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } @ARTICLE{Data_flow, AUTHOR = "G. Agrawal and J. Saltz", TITLE = "Interprocedural Data Flow Based Optimizations for Distributed Memory Computation", JOURNAL = "Software: Practice and Experience", MONTH = Dec, YEAR = "1996" } @InProceedings{Parallel_mining_assoc, author = "M. J. Zaki and M. Ogihara and S. Parthasarathy and W. Li", title = "Parallel Data Mining for Association Rules on Shared-memory Multi-processors", booktitle = "Proceedings of {Supercomputing '96}", address = "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania", year = 1996, month = Nov } @InProceedings{Compile_time_inter_query, author = "S. Parthasarathy and W. Li and M. Cierniak and M. J. Zaki", title = "Compile-time Inter-query Dependence Analysis", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth {IEEE} Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing", address = "New Orleans, Louisiana", year = 1996, month = Oct } @InProceedings{Customized_dynamic, author = "M. J. Zaki and W. Li and S. Parthasarathy", title = "Customized Dynamic Load Balancing for a Network of Workstations", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th {IEEE} International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing", address = "Syracuse, New York", year = 1996, month = Aug } @InProceedings{Eval_data_reuse, author = "M. Cierniak and W. Li", title = "Evaluation of Data Reuse, Locality and Compiler Models", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computers", address = "Ottawa, Canada", year = 1996, month = Jun } @InProceedings{Practical-compile-time-elim, author = "M. Cierniak and W. Li", title = "A Practical Approach to the Compile-Time Elimination of False Sharing for Explicitly Parallel Programs", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computers", address = "Ottawa, Canada", year = 1996, month = Jun } @TECHREPORT{NetProf, AUTHOR = "S. Parthasarathy and M. Cierniak and W. Li", TITLE = "{NetProf}: Network-based high-level profiling of {Java} bytecode", INSTITUTION = "Computer Science Department, University of Rochester", NUMBER = "TR 622", MONTH = May, YEAR = 1996 } @TECHREPORT{Briki, AUTHOR = "M. Cierniak and W. Li", TITLE = "{Briki}: a flexible {Java} compiler", INSTITUTION = "Computer Science Department, University of Rochester", NUMBER = "TR 621", MONTH = May, YEAR = 1996 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Eval_sampling, AUTHOR = "Mohammed Javeed Zaki and Srinivasan Parthasarathy and Wei Li and and Mitsunori Ogihara", TITLE = "Evaluation of sampling for data mining of association rules", BOOKTITLE = "7th International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering (RIDE'97)", ADDRESS = "Birmingham, UK", MONTH = Apr, YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "(An older version also available as Technical Report 617, Computer Science Dept., U. Rochester, May 1996)" } @ARTICLE{Just_in_time, AUTHOR = "Michal Cierniak and Wei Li", TITLE = "Just-In-Time Optimizations for High-Performance {Java} Programs", JOURNAL = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9(11)", MONTH = Nov, YEAR = 1997 } @UNPUBLISHED{Portable_browser, AUTHOR = "Michal Cierniak and Suresh Srinivas", TITLE = "A portable browser for performance programming", NOTE = "To appear in Concurrency: Practice and Experience" } @UNPUBLISHED{Scheduling_algorithms, AUTHOR = "Michal Cierniak and Wei Li and Mohammed Javeed Zaki", TITLE = "Compile-time Scheduling Algorithms for Heterogeneous Network of Workstations", NOTE = "To appear The Computer Journal", YEAR = 1997 } @ARTICLE{Optimizing_Bytecodes, AUTHOR = "Michal Cierniak and Wei Li", TITLE = "Optimizing {Java} Bytecodes", JOURNAL = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "427--444", YEAR = "1997" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Array_remapping, AUTHOR = "Michal Cierniak and Wei Li", TITLE = "Interprocedural Array Remapping", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques ({PACT} '97)", ADDRESS = "San Francisco, CA", MONTH = Nov, YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "An earlier version available as URCS Technical Report 642, November 1996" } @INPROCEEDINGS{VM_based, AUTHOR = "Leonidas I. Kontothanassis and Galen C. Hunt and Robert J. Stets and Nikolaos Hardavellas and Michal Cierniak and Srinivasan Parthasarathy and Wagner Meira, Jr. and Sandhya Dwarkadas and Michael L. Scott", TITLE = "{VM}-Based Shared Memory on Low-Latency, Remote-Memory-Access Networks", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture", ADDRESS = "Denver, Colorado", MONTH = Jun, YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "Also available as URCS Technical Report 643, November 1996" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Briki97, AUTHOR = "M. Cierniak and W. Li", TITLE = "{Briki}: an Optimizing {Java} compiler", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the {IEEE} {CompCon '97}", ADDRESS = "San Jose, California", MONTH = Feb, YEAR = 1997 } @UNPUBLISHED{New_parallel, AUTHOR = "Mohammed Javeed Zaki and Srinivasan Parthasarathy and Mitsunori Ogihara and Wei Li", TITLE = "New Parallel Algorithms for Fast Discovery of Association Rules", NOTE = "To appear in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: An International Journal, special issue on Scalable High-Performance Computing for KDD, late 1997" } @INPROCEEDINGS{New_algorithms, AUTHOR = "Mohammed Javeed Zaki and Srinivasan Parthasarathy and Mitsunori Ogihara and Wei Li", TITLE = "New Algorithms for Fast Discovery of Association Rules", BOOKTITLE = "3rd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)", ADDRESS = "Newport, California", MONTH = Aug, YEAR = 1997 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Localized_algorithm, AUTHOR = "Mohammed Javeed Zaki and Srinivasan Parthasarathy and Wei Li", TITLE = "A Localized Algorithm for Parallel Association Mining", BOOKTITLE = "9th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA)", ADDRESS = "Newport, Rhode Island", MONTH = Aug, YEAR = 1997 } @ARTICLE{Support_for_Java, AUTHOR = "A.J.C. Bik and F. Breg and D.B. Gannon", TITLE = "Compiler Support for {Java} Parallelization", JOURNAL = "Compilers for Physics", YEAR = "1998", NOTE = "To appear" } @ARTICLE{Implicit_parallelism, AUTHOR = "A.J.C. Bik and D.B. Gannon", TITLE = "Exploiting Implicit Parallelism in {Java}", JOURNAL = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "579--619", YEAR = "1997" } @ARTICLE{Native_BLAS, AUTHOR = "A.J.C. Bik and D.B. Gannon", TITLE = "A Note on Native Level 1 {BLAS} in {Java}", JOURNAL = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9(11)", MONTH = Nov, YEAR = 1997 } @ARTICLE{JAVAR_prototype, AUTHOR = "A.J.C. Bik and J.E. Villacis and D.B. Gannon", TITLE = "{JAVAR}: a prototype {Java} restructuring compiler", JOURNAL = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9(11)", MONTH = Nov, YEAR = 1997 } @INPROCEEDINGS{JAVAR_experiences, AUTHOR = "A.J.C. Bik and J.E. Villacis and D.B. Gannon", TITLE = "Experiences with Loop Parallelization in {JAVAR}", BOOKTITLE = "10th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing", YEAR = 1997, NOTE = "To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } @TECHREPORT{RMI_using_NexusJava, AUTHOR = "F. Breg", TITLE = "Compiler support for an {RMI} implementation using {NexusJava}", INSTITUTION = "Department of Computer Science, Indiana University", ADDRESS = "Bloomington, IN", YEAR = 1997 } @UNPUBLISHED{Component_architectures, AUTHOR = "D. Gannon and R. Bramley and T. Stuckey and J. Villacis and J. Balasubramanian and E. Akman and F. Breg and S. Diwan and M. Govindaraju", TITLE = "Component Architectures for Distributed Scientific Problem Solving", NOTE = "Submitted to IEEE CS\&E" } @INPROCEEDINGS{PARDIS, AUTHOR = "Kate Keahey and Dennis Gannon", TITLE = "{PARDIS}: A Parallel Approach to {CORBA}", BOOKTITLE = "6th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computation", MONTH = Aug, YEAR = 1997 } @ARTICLE{Random_accesses_I, AUTHOR = "Ravi V. Shankar and Sanjay Ranka", TITLE = "Random Data Accesses on a Coarse-grained Parallel Machine {I}. One-to-one Mappings", JOURNAL = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing", PAGES = "15--23", MONTH = Jul, YEAR = 1997 } @ARTICLE{Random_accesses_II, AUTHOR = "Ravi V. Shankar and Sanjay Ranka", TITLE = "Random Data Accesses on a Coarse-grained Parallel Machine {II}. One-to-many and Many-to-one Mappings", JOURNAL = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing", PAGES = "24--34", MONTH = Jul, YEAR = 1997 } @ARTICLE{PACK_UNPACK, AUTHOR = "S. Bae and S. Ranka", TITLE = "{PACK/UNPACK} on coarse grained machines", JOURNAL = "Journal of Parallel And Distributed Computing (Special Issue on Compilation Techniques for Distributed Memory Systems)", PAGES = "204--216", MONTH = Nov, YEAR = 1996 } @UNPUBLISHED{Vector_reduction, AUTHOR = "S. Bae and S. Ranka", TITLE = "Vector Reduction and Prefix on Coarse-Grained, Distributed-Memory Parallel Machines", NOTE = "Submitted to IPPS '98" } @UNPUBLISHED{Array_combining, AUTHOR = "S. Bae and S. Ranka", TITLE = "Array Combining Scatter Functions on Coarse-Grained, Distributed-Memory Parallel Machines", NOTE = "Submitted to IPPS '98" } @UNPUBLISHED{Integer_sorting, AUTHOR = "K. Alsabti and S. Ranka", TITLE = "Integer Sorting Algorithms for Coarse-Grained Parallel Machines", NOTE = "To appear in HiPC 1997" } @ARTICLE{Distributed_collaboration, AUTHOR = "Marina Chen and James Cowie", TITLE = "{Java}'s Role in Distributed Collaboration", JOURNAL = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "509", YEAR = "1997" } @UNPUBLISHED{Data_movement, AUTHOR = "Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium", TITLE = "Common Compiler and Data Movement Interface Specification", NOTE = "URL: http://www.cooperate.com/PCRCdev/T6.html" } @ARTICLE{Optimizing_Java, AUTHOR = "Zoran Budimlic and Ken Kennedy", TITLE = "Optimizing {Java}---Theory and Practice", JOURNAL = "Concurrency: Practice and Experience", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "445", YEAR = 1997 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Constraints, AUTHOR = "Ajita John and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Compilation to Parallel Programs from Constraints", BOOKTITLE = "Third International Conference on High Performance Computing", ADDRESS = "Delhi, India", MONTH = Dec, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "73--79", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Procedural, AUTHOR = "Ajita John and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Compilation of Constraint Systems to Procedural Parallel Programs", BOOKTITLE = "Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computers", ADDRESS = "Sunnyvale, California", MONTH = Aug, YEAR = 1996, NOTE = "To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Extraction, AUTHOR = "Ajita John and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Extraction of Parallelism from Constraint Specifications", BOOKTITLE = "International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 1996)", ADDRESS = "San Jose, California", MONTH = Aug, YEAR = 1996, VOLUME = 3, PAGES = "1501--1512", } @UNPUBLISHED{Noncyclic_and_cyclic, AUTHOR = "Ajita John and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Compilation of Constraint Programs with Non-Cyclic and Cyclic Dependencies to Procedural Parallel Programs", NOTE = "To appear in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Data_management, AUTHOR = "Manish Parashar and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "A Common Data Management Infrastructure for Adaptive Algorithms for {PDE} Solutions", BOOKTITLE = "Supercomputing '97", YEAR = 1997 } @INCOLLECTION{HDDA_DAGH, AUTHOR = "Manish Parashar and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Systems Engineering for High Performance Computing Software: The {HDDA/DAGH} Infrastructure for Implementation of Parallel Structured Adaptive Mesh", BOOKTITLE = "Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Grid Methods", SERIES = "IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications", PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag" } @INPROCEEDINGS{Partitioning, AUTHOR = "Manish Parashar and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "On Partitioning Dynamic Adaptive Grid Hierarchies", BOOKTITLE = "29th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences", ADDRESS = "Maui, Hawaii", MONTH = Jan, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "604--613", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Dynamic_data, AUTHOR = "Manish Parashar and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Distributed Dynamic Data Structures for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement", BOOKTITLE = "International Conference for High Performance Computing", ADDRESS = "New Delhi, India", MONTH = Dec, YEAR = 1995, PAGES = "22--27", } @INPROCEEDINGS{Programming_abstractions, AUTHOR = "Manish Parashar and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Object-Oriented Programming Abstractions for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement", BOOKTITLE = "Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications Workshop ({POOMA})", ADDRESS = "Santa Fe, New Mexico", MONTH = Feb, YEAR = 1996 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Optimal_parallelism, AUTHOR = "Dwip Banerjee and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Optimal Parallelism Through Integration of Data and Control Parallelism: A Case Study in Complete Parallelization", BOOKTITLE = "Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing", YEAR = 1997 } @INPROCEEDINGS{Complete_parallelization, AUTHOR = "Dwip Banerjee and J.C. Browne", TITLE = "Complete Parallelization of Computation: Integration of Data Partitioning and Functional Parallelism for Dynamic Data Structures", BOOKTITLE = "10th International Parallel Processing Symposium", ADDRESS = "Honolulu, Hawaii", MONTH = Apr, YEAR = 1996, PAGES = "354--360", }