CIS 6930-01
Fall 2000
Assignment #1
Using Web Technology
Your success in CSIT courses has led to a new job as the Minister for
Information Technology in your favorite country. This is a new position
and you have decided to establish your personal popularity and
enthusiasm for the office by starting a new project aimed at using the
the latest information technology to solve a major need for your
country. Please surf the web and start to learn about uses of Java,
JavaScript, XML, CORBA, Wireless devices and write a report on any such
project explaining how the technologies will be used
Use of Java to link to databases for healthcare applications
Use of Enterprise Javabeans to build an online lottery
Use of XML to build a single country wide data format for all
government offices (so the population need not wait in line so much)
Use of Java to build a system to control wireless devices used
by rescue workers in an eartquake
List any URL's you find particularly useful and give a synopsis of what
you learnt from the 6 best sites you found