DOGMA 0.9 Master Installation ----------------------------- (Windows NT examples shown) Requirements: JDK 1.2 (PREFERRED) or JDK 1.1.5 or greater with a swing package utilizing the "javax" package names. Environment variables --------------------- Before installing set the following environment variables: Required for all nodes: PATH - Should contain the JDK bin directory (e.g. c:\jdk1.2\bin). CLASSPATH - Should contain DOGMA_HOME\lib and the current directory. (e.g. .;c:\DMaster\lib). Under JDK 1.1.x the classpath should also contain the swingall.jar file. Required only for nodes which will be used as master nodes: DOGMA_HOME - The location where DOGMA is installed (e.g. c:\DMaster). DOGMA_APP_CODEBASE - The location where user code will be compiled to to (a simplistic example is c:\DMaster\lib). CM_HOSTNAME - The FULLY QUALIFIED name of the config manager host. Installing DOGMA ---------------- Automatic installation (if you have downloaded the automatic installation): type: java install Manual installation: Use jar -xvf to extract the files (the files will install to a directory called "DMaster"). On Unix you must make all files in Dogma/bin executable. You must also have a correct Java security policy in place. This is defined in the .java.policy file, but is normally edited using the JDK's policytool. DOGMA comes with default security files in the DMaster/run, and DMaster/nodeRun directories. Note if you are using rsh or ssh to start remote nodes, you must copy the .java.policy file in DMaster/nodeRun to the directory which will be the current directory when the startNode command is executed (the user's home directory on Unix). The recommended permission to have in place is NetPermission, but other permissions are required if your applications desire access to the local file system. See the JDK 1.2 security documentation for details on the .java.policy file. Starting DOGMA -------------- On the node which you wish to be the master node change into the DOGMA_HOME\run directory (e.g. cd c:\DMaster\run). type: startDOGMA You should then see two windows come up: the main window and a resources window. Adding a node manually ---------------------- On the node which you wish to start go to the DMaster/nodeRun directory and type: startNode where is the fully qualified hostname of the node you are starting and is the fully qualified hostname of the node on which the configuration manager is already running. Running a Simple Program ------------------------ In the resources window go to the Application/AppType Panel double click on AppType and then find the application [Examples\MPIJ\Remote code test] and click on the "Submit" button. Compiling and Running a Simple Program -------------------------------------- In DMaster\examples\mpij type 'makeall'. In the resources window go to the Application/AppType Panel double click on AppType and then find the application [Examples\MPIJ\SimpleMPIJ Program] and click on the "Submit" button. COMMON PROBLEMS AND THEIR CAUSES -------------------------------- STARTING DOGMA: -Environment variables are not set correctly. -The Resources.txt file is not correct. COMPILING APPLICATIONS: makeall, makeone, etc. either won't run or fail when they do run: -Environment variables are not set correctly. See the above installation instructions on setting environment variables. RUNNING APPLICATIONS: Class not found: -The complete and correct package name for the application was not specified. -The package for the application is not listed in the application settings; -The codeServer (http server) for the package is not running or is not configured correctly. SYSTEM CONSOLE WINDOW PAUSES FREQUENTLY The Java default heap may be too small. This can be alleviated if your system has adequate memory and you alter the startDOGMA script. First make a backup of the startDOGMA script. Next change the lines that have "java" command and add the following arguments: "-ms100000000 -mx100000000". You will probably need to alter exact number used for your system.