Common Problems

Below are listed some common problems with possible solutions.

For bugs see the known problems list.

This list is not yet complete.

General Problems

Unable to Launch More Than a Few Nodes

    On Unix machines, launching more than a few nodes fails.
Possible Problem and Solution:
- The file descriptor limit is set too low.  Do something like: "limit des 1024" to increase the file descriptor limit.

System Console Pauses Frequently

    GUI pauses frequently.
Possible Problem and Solution:
- Java's default heap size may be set too small on the sytem you are using.  Increase the heap size by editing the startDOGMA script (first make a backup).  Wherever you see a "java" command add something like "-ms100000000 -mx100000000" (you may need to alter these numbers to get them to work on your system).

Starting DOGMA

    DOGMA fails to start.
Possible Problem and Solution:
- Environment variables are not set correctly.  Review environment variable settings.
- Incorrect arguments to startDOGMA.  Double check arguments.

Error Running Applications

    Class not found.
Possible Problem and Solution:
- The complete and correct package name for the application was not specified.
- The code server (http server) for the application is not running or is not configured correctly.
First recheck the package and class name.
Then make sure the .class file is reachable from a code server.
Make sure the code server is specified correctly in the resource file.
You may also check to make sure you can reach the .class file by trying to load it by hand using a browser.
For instance if the code server was, the package name was dogma.examples.mpi, and the class name was SimpleMPI, then you could use your web browser to try to load

Error Compiling Applications

    makeall, makeone, etc. either won't run or fail when they do run.
Possible Problem and Solution:
 -Environment variables are not set correctly.  See  the installation instructions on expanding or setting environment variables.

System Specific Problems

Windows NT

    Environment variables not set after installation.
Possible Problem and Solution:
- You are using a "cmd" instance which was started before the installation was.
You must use a new command prompt in order for environment variables to take effect.
- Environment variables have not been expanded.
One easy way to check this is to open a new command prompt and look at the value of a variable such as CLASSPATH.  If you see an unexpanded variable such as JDK_HOME in the classpath then you must get the system to expand the variables. You may force the system to expand the variables by going into "System Properties", clicking on an unexpanded variable, clicking in the value field, and then clicking "set" (without altering the value).  Then click "apply" or "close" to apply the changes.  You may also logout or reboot in order to expand the variables.

Windows 95/98



    Various network errors when more than a few nodes are used.
Possible Problem and Solution:
    The File descriptor limit is set to low.
    Raise the limit by typing something like "limit des 2048".

    Remote nodes won't start.
Possible Problem and Solution:
    <Pending: check this under 0.9>
    Make sure that the remote nodes source Dogma/setenvs in their .cshrc file and that all of the variables there are set correctly.