If all has worked correctly, the next step is to ensure that you can start the node remotely from the master node. Do this using your favorite method (e.g. rsh /usr/local/jdoe/Dogma/bin/startNode myslave.foo.bar mymaster.foo.bar).
Next add the node to the resource definition file. Every node must be defined as both the member of a cluster and a family. A node's family describes characteristics of the node, while a node's cluster defines which group of nodes it logically belongs to. The node's family is where the remote starting command is put. So, nodes which require different startCommands must be put into different families. See below for the details on the cluster, family, and startCommand format. (Be sure to use the variables NODE_NAME and CM_NAME when entering startCommands.)
Note that all bolded attributes are required while all non-bolded attributes are optional.
"choice1" | "choice2" Indicates that either choice1 or choice2 should
be chosen. The chosen item should be quoted.
choice1 | choice2 Indicates that either choice1 or choice2 should
be chosen. The chosen item should be unquoted.
<value> Indicates that value should be replaced value with an
unquoted value.
<value> Indicates that value should be replaced by a quoted value.
type: "MPIJ" | "dynamic"
category: <"category1"> <"category2">
codebase: <"URL(default is DOGMA_HOME/lib on
Configuration Manager)">
applicationReq: <applicationReq name>
parameters: <parameter2> <parameter2> ...
application dogma.examples.mpij.Jacobi {
type "MPIJ";
category "Examples" "MPIJ";
codebase "http://myhost.foo.bar/examples/";
applicationReq exactlyFourNodes;
parameters size;
The type of dialog used to input values for this
parameter is dependent on the attributes defined. Parameters with
a file attribute will use a file chooser dialogue to enter values.
Parameters with a choices attribute will use a pull down list to select
from among those choices. Parameters without choices or file attributes
will use a text field to enter values. Note that the choices and
file attributes are mutually exclusive.
optional: true | false
defaultValue: <"default value">
description: <"description">
choices <"choice1"> <"choice2"> ...
file: <"filename">
parameter animal {
description "Animal Name";
choices "Cow" "Dog" "Cat";
defaultValue "Cow";
optional false;
parameter end {
description "End";
defaultValue "20";
optional false;
parameter InputFile {
description "Input File";
optional false;
generationSize and numNodes are mutually exclusive.
nodeContract indicates a contract which contains the minumum duration contract
which must be met in order to use a given node. nativeApps lists
the names of applications which must be installed on nodes before this
application can execute. Nodes which do not have a required native
application will not be used unless they allow native application installation.
If they allow native appliation installation, the application will be installed
if it is not found. See nativeApp for more information.
generationSize: <generation 1 size> <generation
2 size> ...
numNodes: <min> <max>
nodeContract: <contract name>
nativeApps: <myNativeApp> <myOtherNativeApp>
applicationReq dynamic1GReq {
generationSize 150 150;
applicationReq Exactly2Nodes {
numNodes 2 2 2;
nodeContract permNodes;
nativeApps myNativeApp;
nativeApp may be used to define data files which
are required by an application.
Applications do not need define their codebase and
filenames. They can be used simply to designate a particular application.
The codebase and fileNames attributes are used when application installation
is allowed. If application installation is allowed, and codebase
and fileNames are set, all application files will be checked to see if
they have changed size. If the size that is installed and the size
of the file at the codebase differ, the installed file will be replaced
with a copy of the file at the codebase.
codebase: <"codebase">
fileNames: <"file1"> <"file2"> ...
nativeApp myApp {
codebase "http://foo.bar.com/myAppLoc/";
fileNames "bin/myApp" "data/data1.txt" "data/data2.txt";
So, nodeContracts are used in two ways. When they are referenced from a family definition, they indicate a contract which will be fulfilled by all nodes in the family. When they are referenced from applicationReq definitions, they refer to a minimum contract which must be met by nodes. Currently the only defined attribute of the contract is the duration which a node will be part of DOGMA. In this case "volatile" indicates a node which may leave at any time. "limited" indicates a node which will be part of DOGMA for a specific amount of time <pending: this attribute is not yet supported in 0.9>. "permanent" indicates a node which will never be shut down during the middle of an application.
Note that nodes which are defined in the resources file are permanent by default. Anonymous nodes which join DOGMA are volatile by default.
duration: volatile | limited
| permanent;
nodeContract {
duration permanent;
file and URL are mutually exclusive.
file: <"alias"> <"actual">
URL: <"alias"> <"actual">
aliasList {
file "DOGMA/codebase/" "c:\\DMaster/lib/";
The nativeApps attribute defines the names of native
applications which are installed on this cluster (see nativeApp for more
information). The allowsNativeAppInstallation attribute defines whether
or not new native applications are allowed to be installed on this node.
Proper security policy files must be in place before enabling this feature.
FilePermission should only be granted only to trusted codebases.
nodes <node1> <node2> ...
nativeApps <app1> <app2> ...
allowsNativeAppInstallation true | false
cluster Mountains {
nativeApps myNativeApp myOtherNativeApp;
The startCommand is the command which will be used
to start the node. It is highly recommended that this command be
tested manually first. Also note that output from the startCommand
is echoed so that its progress may be monitored.
startCommand supports two variables: NODE_NAME and
CM_NAME. These variables will be replaced by the remote node name
and the configuration manager name respectively.
nodeContract indicates a contract which will be
signed by every node in this family.
nodes <node1> <node2> ...
startCommand <command> <arg1> <arg2> ...
nodeContract <nodeContract
cluster Mountains {
startCommand c:\winnt\system32\rsh.exe NODE_NAME