JiniTM Starter Kit Installation Jini Technology Core Platform
(JCP) -- provides the core Jini technology infrastructure software.
It includes the specifications and corresponding interfaces and classes
for lookup, distributed events, leasing, transactions, and discovery
and join.
Jini Technology Extended
Platform (JXP) -- provides the extended Jini technology
infrastructure software. It includes the specifications and
corresponding interfaces and classes for the discovery utilities and
entry utilities. It also includes the JavaSpaces specification.
Jini Software Kit (JSK)
-- provides implementations of the lookup service and transaction
manager service specified in the Jini Technology Core Platform (JCP),
as well as various utility classes that are useful in writing new
applications and services.
JavaSpacesTM Technology Kit (JSTK) -- provides two
implementations of the JavaSpaces technology-enabled service specified
in the Jini Technology Extended Platform (JXP): a persistent version
and a non-persistent version. The JSTK must be installed after the Jini
Technology Starter Kit.