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Editing Class Test Parameters from the Project Testing UI

If you are testing a project and want to add user-defined test cases or change class-specific test parameters, you must edit the appropriate class's Class Test Parameters.

There are two ways to edit Class Test Parameters from the Project Testing UI:

Method 1

Before or After a Project Test

  1. In the Project Testing UI, click Project to open the Project Test Parameters. The Project Test Parameters window will open.
  2. In the Project Test Parameters window, open the Classes in Project branch.
  3. Right-click the node that corresponds to the class whose parameters you want to modify. A shortcut menu will open.
  4. Choose Edit Class Test Parameters from the shortcut menu. The Class Test Parameters window will open.
  5. Modify parameters in the Class Test Parameters window.

Method 2

After a Project Test Including the Class Whose Parameters You Want to Modify

  1. If the Project Testing UI's Results panel does not contain test results, open the results.
  2. In the lower Results panel, right-click the node whose name corresponds to the class whose parameters you want to modify. A shortcut menu will open.
  3. Choose Edit Class Test Parameters from the shortcut menu. The Class Test Parameters window will open.
  4. Modify parameters in the Class Test Parameters window.

Saving Your Changes

If you start a new test or exit the Project Testing UI after changing class test parameters through the Project Testing UI, Jtest will automatically ask you if you want to save the changes that you made. If you would like to save your modified class test parameters before that, perform the following steps:

  1. In the lower Results panel, right-click the node whose name corresponds to the class whose parameters you want to save. A shortcut menu will open.
  2. Choose Save Current Changes from the shortcut menu.

Jtest will them save that class's parameters in <jtest_install_dir>/u/<username>/jtest.properties.

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