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Testing a Large Project

If you are testing a large project (over 1000 classes), we recommend that you test in batch mode, and that you perform several smaller tests rather than one large one.

Each test should test a package or a tree of packages.

To break the test run into smaller tests, use the Project Testing UI's Filter-in field to define your smaller tests. For example, you could define three tests using com.tech.util.*, com.tech.tool1.*, and com.tech.tool2.*, then save these tests as util.ptp, tool1.ptp, and tool2.ptp.

To run these tests, you would invoke jtestgui one time for each small test that you want to run. For example, assuming that you want to run the tests referenced in the previous paragraph, you could use the following 3 commands:

 jtestgui -nogui -ptp util.ptp -summary_report util.rep
 jtestgui -nogui -ptp tool1.ptp -summary_report tool1.rep
 jtestgui -nogui -ptp tool2.ptp -summary_report tool2.rep

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