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Do not `override' a private method


This rules flags code where a method overrides a "private" method from a superclass.

Note that a "private" method in a super "class" is not overridden by a method with the same name in the current "class". This can be confusing. Also, if the method access in the superclass is changed to non-private, the program semantics will change because the method will then be overridden.


 package OOP;
 class OPM extends Super {
     private void method () {}
 class Super {
     private void method () {}
     public static void main (String[] args) {
         OPM x = new OPM ();
         test (x);
     private static void (Super x) {
         x.method ();  // invokes "Super.method" not "OPM.method"


Use different names for the methods to clarify that they are unrelated and to avoid possible problems if the access modifier is changed.

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