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Use `StringBuffer' instead of `String' for non-constant strings


This rule flags code that uses `String' instead of `StringBuffer' for non-constant strings.

Although the += operator is provided by the `String' class, it is much less efficient than the `StringBuffer.append()' function. Using `StringBuffer' instead of using "+=" on `String' objects will improve performance.


 package OPT;
 class USB {
    public String foobar() {
        String fruit = "apples";
        fruit+= ", bananas";             // Violation
        return fruit;


 public String betterFoobar() {
        StringBuffer fruit = new StringBuffer("apples");
        fruit.append(", bananas");
        return fruit.toString();


Haggar, Peter. Practical Java - Programming Language Guide. Addison Wesley, 2000, pp.107 - 109

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