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HttpSession variables should be released when finished


This rule flags HttpSession objects that are not released when they are finished.

HttpSession objects live inside the WebSphere servlet engine until:

  • The application explicitly and programmatically releases it using the API, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.invalidate ()
  • WebSphere Application Server destroys the allocated HttpSession when it expires (by default, after 1800 seconds or 30 minutes). WebSphere Application can only maintain a certain number of HttpSessions in memory. When this limit is reached, WebSphere Application Server serializes and swaps the allocated HttpSession to disk. In a high volume system, the cost of serializing many abandoned HttpSessions can be quite high.


 package SERVLET;
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 public class HVR {
     // violation, no javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.invalidate() is
     public void incorrectSession (HttpServletRequest request) {
         HttpSession mySession = request.getSession (false);
         String id = mySession.getId ();
         System.out.println ("HttpSession id = " +id);


Call javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.invalidate() when finished.

     public void correctSession (HttpServletRequest request) {
         HttpSession mySession = request.getSession (false);
         // do something.
         if (mySession != null) {
             mySession.invalidate ();


IBM WebSphere Application Server Standard and Advanced Editions, Harvey W. Gunther.


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