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About White-Box Testing

White-box testing checks that the class is structurally sound. It doesn't test that the class behaves according to the specification, but instead ensures that the class doesn't crash and that it behaves correctly when passed unexpected input. White-box testing involves looking at the class code and trying to find out if there are any possible class usages that will make the class crash (in Java this is equivalent to throwing an uncaught runtime exception).

Jtest uses unique technology to completely automate the white-box testing process. Jtest examines the internal structure of each class under test, automatically designs and executes test cases designed to fully test the class's construction, then determines whether each test case's inputs would produce an uncaught runtime exception. For each uncaught runtime exception that is detected, Jtest reports an error and provides the stack trace as well as the calling sequence that led to the problem. \

Jtest can perform white-box testing on any Java class or component, including classes that reference external resources (such as external files, databases, Enterprise JavaBeansTM [EJB] and CORBA). If you are performing white-box testing on classes that reference external resources, Jtest will automatically generate the necessary stubs, or give you the option of calling the actual external method or entering your own stubs. For classes using CORBA, Jtest provides stubs for the Object Request Broker and other objects referenced by the class. For classes using EJB, Jtest invokes bean initialization routines and provides a simulated container context, then performs white-box testing to make sure that the bean class will always behave correctly.

If you find that certain exceptions reported are not relevant to the project at hand, you can easily tailor Jtest's error reports to your needs. If you document valid exceptions in the code using a special @exception comment tag, Jtest will suppress any occurrence of that particular exception. If you use the @pre comment tag to document the permissible range for valid method inputs, Jtest will suppress errors found for inputs that fall outside of that range. You can also suppress exceptions using shortcut menus or the suppression panel.

Related Topics

Performing White-Box Testing

Customizing White-Box Testing

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