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The following features are common to all of Jtest's trees:

  • Shortcut menus for the nodes: Many of Jtest's tree nodes contain shortcut menus that allow you to perform various actions related to that node. If a tree node has an associated shortcut menu, a right-click icon will appear when your cursor is placed over that node. To access a node's shortcut menu, right-click the node. To access context-sensitive help for a certain shortcut menu option, enable context-sensitive help, then position your cursor over the shortcut menu option that you want to learn more about.
  • Shortcut menus for the trees: All of Jtest's trees have an extra shortcut menu that you can access by clicking the right mouse button while pressing the Control key.
    This extra shortcut menu contains the following commands:
    • Find: Finds strings in the tree.
    • Print: Prints the tree.
    • Expand Children: Completely expands the tree to reveal all children.
    • Collapse Children: Collapses all children in the tree.
    • Check: Checks the node contents (if the node allows that operation) and/or displays any error messages associated with the node.

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