If any input does not have an alpha channel,
an alpha value of 1.0 (completely opaque) is assumed for all pixels.
A constant alpha value can also be specified to be
multiplied with the alpha value of the source pixels.
Fd = fraction of the input Destination Pixel which contributes to the output.
The color and alpha components produced by the compositing operation are
calculated as follows:
Cd = Cs*Fs + Cd*Fd
Ad = As*Fs + Ad*Fd
where Fs and Fd are specified by each rule. The above equations assume
that both source and destination pixels have the color components
premultiplied by the alpha component. Similarly, the equations expressed
in the definitions of compositing rules below assume premultiplied alpha.
For performance reasons, it is
preferable that Tiles passed to the compose method of a CompositeContext
object created by the AlphaComposite class have premultiplied data.
However, if either source or destination Tiles are not premultiplied,
appropriate conversions will be performed before and after the compositing
The resulting alpha of the compositing operation is stored in
the destination if the destination has an alpha channel.
Otherwise, the resulting color is divided by the resulting
alpha before being stored in the destination and the alpha is discarded
(if the alpha value is 0.0, the color values are set to 0.0).
- See Also:
- Composite, CompositeContext
CLEAR- Porter-Duff Clear rule.
DST_IN- Porter-Duff Destination In Source rule.
DST_OUT- Porter-Duff Destination Held Out By Source rule.
DST_OVER- Porter-Duff Destination Over Source rule.
SRC- Porter-Duff Source rule.
SRC_IN- Porter-Duff Source In Destination rule.
SRC_OUT- Porter-Duff Source Held Out By Destination rule.
SRC_OVER- Porter-Duff Source Over Destination rule.
createContext(ColorModel, ColorModel)
- Creates a context for the compositing operation.
- Compares two Objects for equality.
- Returns the additional alpha value that was given when this
AlphaComposiste instance was created.
- Creates an AlphaComposite object with the given rule.
getInstance(int, float)
- Creates an AlphaComposite object with the given rule and
the constant alpha to multiply with the alpha of the source.
- Returns the compositing rule that was specified when this
AlphaComposiste instance was created.
public static final int CLEAR
- Porter-Duff Clear rule.
Both the color and the alpha of destination are cleared.
Neither the source nor the destination is used as input.
Fs = 0 and Fd = 0, thus:
Cd = 0
Ad = 0
public static final int SRC
- Porter-Duff Source rule.
The source is copied to the destination.
The destination is not used as input.
Fs = 1 and Fd = 0, thus:
Cd = Cs
Ad = As
public static final int SRC_OVER
- Porter-Duff Source Over Destination rule.
The source is composited over the destination.
Fs = 1 and Fd = (1-As), thus:
Cd = Cs + Cd*(1-As)
Ad = As + Ad*(1-As)
public static final int DST_OVER
- Porter-Duff Destination Over Source rule.
The destination is composited over the source and
the result replaces the destination.
Fs = (1-Ad) and Fd = 1, thus:
Cd = Cs*(1-Ad) + Cd
Ad = As*(1-Ad) + Ad
public static final int SRC_IN
- Porter-Duff Source In Destination rule.
The part of the source lying inside of the destination replaces
the destination.
Fs = Ad and Fd = 0, thus:
Cd = Cs*Ad
Ad = As*Ad
public static final int DST_IN
- Porter-Duff Destination In Source rule.
The part of the destination lying inside of the source
replaces the destination.
Fs = 0 and Fd = As, thus:
Cd = Cd*As
Ad = Ad*As
public static final int SRC_OUT
- Porter-Duff Source Held Out By Destination rule.
The part of the source lying outside of the destination
replaces the destination.
Fs = (1-Ad) and Fd = 0, thus:
Cd = Cs*(1-Ad)
Ad = As*(1-Ad)
public static final int DST_OUT
- Porter-Duff Destination Held Out By Source rule.
The part of the destination lying outside of the source
replaces the destination.
Fs = 0 and Fd = (1-As), thus:
Cd = Cd*(1-As)
Ad = Ad*(1-As)
public static AlphaComposite getInstance(int rule)
- Creates an AlphaComposite object with the given rule.
- Parameters:
- rule - Rule for the composition.
public static AlphaComposite getInstance(int rule,
float alpha)
- Creates an AlphaComposite object with the given rule and
the constant alpha to multiply with the alpha of the source.
The source is multiplied with the given alpha before being composited
with the destination.
- Parameters:
- rule - Rule for the composition.
- alpha - The constant alpha to be multiplied with the alpha of
the source. Alpha must be a floating point number in the inclusive
range [0.0, 1.0].
public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
ColorModel dstColorModel)
- Creates a context for the compositing operation.
The context contains state that is used in performing
the compositing operation.
- Parameters:
- srcColorModel - The ColorModel of the source.
- dstColorModel - The ColorModel of the destination.
- Returns:
- The CompositeContext object to be used to perform
compositing operations.
public float getAlpha()
- Returns the additional alpha value that was given when this
AlphaComposiste instance was created. If this instance was
created without the addtional alpha value, the value
1.0 is returned.
public int getRule()
- Returns the compositing rule that was specified when this
AlphaComposiste instance was created.
public boolean equals(Object obj)
- Compares two Objects for equality.
- Overrides:
- equals in class Object
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